Prof. DSc Pepka Boyadjieva has been awarded the honorary title “Professor Emeritus” of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of BAS. The solemn ceremony took place yesterday in the “Acad. Ivan E. Geshov” hall of BAS-Administration.

“Prof. Boyadjieva has devoted 40 years to her work at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology,” the Director Prof. Emilia Chengelova said and added that “in recent years her research had been mainly in the field of sociology of education.” At the celebration, Prof. Pepka Boyadjieva delivered a lecture entitled “(Im)possible Sociologies: sociology of failure”. The topic is one of the most recent issues she has been addressing in her research work.

Зам.-председателят на БАН проф. д. и. н. Щелиян Д. Щерионов поздрави проф. Бояджиева по повод удостояването ѝ с почетното звание. „Благодаря Ви за всичко, което сте направили за българската наука. Вие сте вдъхновение за своите млади колеги, на които вярвам, че ще продължавате да помагате в бъдещата реализация“, каза проф. Щерионов.

The Vice-President of BAS Prof. DSc Shtelian D. Shterionov congratulated Prof. Boyadjieva on the occasion of her awarding with the honorary title. “Thank you for everything you have done for Bulgarian science. You are an inspiration for your young colleagues whom I believe you will continue to help in their future realization,” Prof. Shterionov said.