On 25 November, the Assembly of Academicians at BAS elected Prof. Prof. Yuri Tschinkel from the USA foreign member of BAS. Yuri Tschinkel is a professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York, USA. He is one of the leading contemporary mathematicians with outstanding contributions to the development of algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, and geometric aspects of mathematical physics. His main results have been published in over 130 papers in the most prestigious mathematical and physics journals and have been cited more than 1550 times. He is the editor of 19 mathematical books and 23 surveys. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Experimental Mathematics journal, and currently serves on the editorial boards of Springer’s Progress in Mathematics book series as well as a number of mathematical journals. Since 2012, Yuri Tschinkel has been the Director of the Mathematics and Physical Sciences Division of the Simons Foundation, a private foundation and one of the largest philanthropic organizations in the United States.

Prof. Tschinkel is a world-class mathematician who has pioneered several new directions with a profound impact on the development of modern mathematics, such as rational points on algebraic varieties, anabelian geometry, stable irrationality, stabilization, and G-irrationality. In each of these directions he has had remarkable results. Moreover, eminent specialists in the field of algebraic geometry believe that, in terms of his contributions to its state of the art, Yuri Tschinkel can be compared with leading scientists such as János Kollár and Claire Voisin.

The works of Tschinkel are highly regarded by the world mathematical community. In 1995-1996, Tschinkel was a Leibniz Fellow at the École normale supérieure in Paris, and in 2001-2002 he was a Clay Mathematics Institute Fellow. At the 2006 International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid, he was an invited speaker on “Geometry over nonclosed fields”.

For his great contribution to mathematics, Prof. Tschinkel has been awarded several prizes in mathematics, including the Frontier of Science Award from the International Congress of Basic Science, Beijing, 2023. In 2018, he was elected a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Academy.  In 2021, he was elected a foreign member of the Academia Europaea.

The collaboration of Prof. Tschinkel with Bulgarian mathematicians and physicists dates back to his student years at Moscow State University and continues to this day. Yuri Tschinkel was a plenary speaker at the second edition of the international conference “Mathematics Days in Sofia” in 2017 which contributed greatly to the establishment and popularization worldwide of this prestigious scientific forum of the Bulgarian mathematical community. He was a special guest of the “Second Annual Meeting of Young Bulgarian Mathematicians” held in 2022 and delivered a special popular lecture entitled “Building Scientific Institutes” which was organized by BAS and IMI and in which he shared his experience in funding scientific research in various fields with the support of private capital.

Prof. Yuri Tschinkel has always strongly supported Bulgarian mathematics. He has been very active in the establishment of the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of BAS and continues to support its activities; he has made an undeniable contribution to the approval of grants from the Simons Foundation. The financial support from the Simons Foundation will contribute to making ICMS – Sofia a leading research and science centre in Europe and in the region in particular.

His worldwide renown and reputation as an outstanding scientist make him an indispensable ambassador for Bulgarian science and the Bulgarian scientific community in the world’s most prestigious scientific centres and scientific forums