The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian National Radio will cooperate and implement joint initiatives for the development of science in society. This is stated in the Memorandum signed today at the Academy by the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS, and the Director General of BNR Milen Mitev.

The President of BAS thanked that BNR often gives scientists the opportunity to present their work on its programmes and noted that he hoped this would continue and be further developed with new ideas. We live in a time of overinformation, the BNR Director General said. He said the mission of the medium is to tell more about science and suggested that through the resources of the radio, science books could be converted into audio formats. Prof. Revalski explained that in recent years, BAS scientists have prepared nearly 30 publications aimed at our compatriots abroad and through audio versions these books will reach them more easily. During the meeting, the idea of creating a rubric to present the institutes of BAS – scientific achievements, current projects and news was discussed.

The ceremony at the Academy was attended by the Director of the Hristo Botev Programme Kin Stoyanov and the Scientific Secretaries of BAS Assoc. Prof. Ina Aneva and Prof. Denitsa Borisova. During the conversation, Prof. Revalski told about the initiative of Assoc. Prof. Ina Aneva on the occasion of the 155th anniversary of BAS. She is preparing short films about the scientific units of the Academy as well as a film that she will present on the eve of the celebration – October 12.

The signed document notes the role of BAS as a scientific, spiritual and expert center of Bulgaria and the authority and importance of BNR in presenting a wide range of events on a national scale. The two institutions will promote information related to scientific activities and research conducted at BAS on the BNR’s on-air programmes and digital channels as well as implement joint campaigns.