Acad. VASSIL KAZANDJIEV is among the brightest names that have established themselves as contemporary classics in Bulgarian music. He graduated from the Music Academy in Sofia (1957), studied composition in the class of Prof. Pancho Vladigerov and conducting under Prof. Vladi Simeonov. In 1957, while still a student at the Academy, he won the laureate title for his Symphonietta for large orchestra at the Sixth International Youth Festival in Moscow, Dmitri Shostakovich was the chairman of the jury. He began his career as a conductor at the Sofia Opera (1957-1964). In 1962, he headed the Sofia Soloists chamber orchestra and worked as its chief conductor until 1978. Under the leadership of Vassil Kazandjiev, the ensemble established itself as one of the leading orchestras in Bulgaria and carried out numerous tours in Bulgaria and abroad, participated in all national festivals, established itself on the international stage. Prof. Kazandjiev was chief conductor of the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra (1979-1993). In the repertoire of both ensembles, tradition and modernity are equally present, Bulgarian and foreign titles, including works from Baroque to music of the 20th century. He is active in recording. His outstanding professional conducting has also become a creative stimulus for a number of Bulgarian composers. Since 1985, he has been a professor of opera and symphonic conducting. In 2005 he was elected a corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and in 2009 – an academician in the department of “Artists”.

With his overall musicianship, Acad. Vassil Kazandjiev has made a great contribution to the promotion of contemporary music in Bulgaria and the performance of Bulgarian works abroad. He is the author of numerous musical works: seven symphonies and other works for symphony orchestra, instrumental concertos, music for films and theatre productions, choral and chamber works. Although in the 1960s and 1970s Kazandjiev’s name was associated with the so-called Bulgarian musical avant-garde, he developed his own style which established him as a strong representative of European music. Every new symphonic or chamber work by the composer is a cultural event, presented with success at various festivals or concert forums in Bulgaria and abroad.