From 26 to 30 August 2024, the 23rd International School on Condensed Matter Physics (ISCMP’23) was held at the Frederic Joliot-Curie International House of Scientists. With the scientific forum entitled “Modern Advances in New Materials and their Applications”, the Institute of Solid State Physics celebrated the 155th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Traditionally, at the Multidisciplinary Forum, distinguished scientists from all over the world and young specialists exchange experiences and ideas on problems in the fields of solid state physics, laser technologies, functional materials, soft matter, etc. This year’s topics discussed were relevant to both the scientific community and society, such as new materials and processing, green technologies and clean energy, biomaterials and sensing.

Participants at ISCMP’23 had the opportunity to hear presentations by speakers from 14 countries of the European Union and North America contributing to the development and application of analytical techniques and innovative technologies for materials with relevance to energy harvesting and storage from unconventional sources, to the creation of various types of hypersensitive sensors, and to their use in optical systems and in quantum computers and as substitutes for biological tissues.

Within 5 minutes, the young scientists reported on their achievements and each of them received Nikola Sabotinov’s book The Laser („Лазерът“) in which the author fascinatingly tells about the path from the birth of the scientific idea to its transformation into an industrial product. A book about the copper bromide vapour laser he created which has been in production around the world for 50 years and is an example not only of good innovation practice but also an incentive for optimism that inventions can be made in our country at the level of countries highly developed in science and technology.