IPHS scientists are developing an app to protect and improve maternal mental health after childbirth

As part of an initiative to support mothers, the Institute for Population and Human Studies (IPHS-BAS) has been awarded the SpinOff 2024 prize. We are happy to be able to participate with our scientific expertise in improving and protecting the psychological well-being of mothers  through Momfident even though we are in a preliminary phase, noted Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stoyanka Cherkezova from IPHS-BAS.

The idea is to develop an app to safeguard and improve the mental health and well-being of mothers in the first three years after childbirth. The app uses artificial intelligence models that are fed only with verified information from scientific research. The app supports mothers in the form of a personalized conversation with them.

„Предстои ни още много тежка работа. Но нашият екип споделя общ стремеж да помагаме чрез наука, нови технологии и професионализъм, което ни зарежда с ентусиазъм“, отбелязват от института и допълват „Сърдечни благодарности на Кристина Ешкенази и Димитър Димитров, които организират тези успешни Спиноф конференции вече три пъти! Бихме искали да благодарим също на Теодора Сотирова и екипа на Единния център за иновации на Българската академия на науките за подкрепата и обученията, които ни помагат да реализираме идеите си“.

“We still have a lot of hard work ahead of us. But our team shares a common aspiration to help through science, new technologies and professionalism which fuels our enthusiasm,” the Institute said, adding, “Heartfelt thanks to Kristina Eskenazi and Dimitar Dimitrov who have been organizing these successful Spinoff conferences three times already! We would also like to thank Teodora Sotirova and the team of the Joint Innovation Center of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the support and trainings that help us to realize our ideas”.

The award was presented on June 20 in Sofia Tech Park by the organizers of the event: Biotechnology and Health Cluster Bulgaria, AI Cluster Bulgaria, iSTEB Innovation Hub and the Venrize company to support universities, scientists, spinoffs and investors.