The “Alphabet. Language. Identity” International Cyrillic Forum with the participation of scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has been opened by President Rumen Radev at the National Palace of Culture. The Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and the Slavonic script are deeply embedded in our state and institutional framework, the President said. Thanks to their strength and beauty, Bulgaria has been built as a country of the spirit which thousands of years ago became one of the cultural centres of Europe, Head of State Rumen Radev said.

The two-day event was initiated by Vice President Iliana Iotova and is a continuation of the 2022 international forum on the Cyrillic alphabet “… And we have given something to the world.” In her opening speech, Vice President Iotova thanked the scientists from Bulgaria and abroad for their devotion to the Bulgarian language, literacy, culture and spirituality. She stressed the main goal of the forum – to restore interest in Slavic culture and its importance for the development of the world.

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, attended the forum. The Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Galin Tsokov, welcomed the participants and guests of the event.

Over 30 renowned Slavicists from 11 countries together with their Bulgarian colleagues will discuss the importance of the Slavic heritage of letters, words, language, culture and wisdom, its preservation and dissemination in the modern world as well as the importance of language and identity in the processes of globalization. Emphasis is placed on the key role of Bulgaria in the creation of the third Christian civilization – the Slavic one.

The International Conference is organized with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science, the “Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad” National Scientific Programme, of which BAS is the coordinator with partners leading centers in Bulgarian studies.

During the initiative, the National Archaeological Institute with Museum of BAS (NAIM) will present the poster exhibition “The Invisible Traces of Murfatlar”. It is organized under the patronage of Vice President Iliana Iotova and will be opened on July 1 at the NAIM. “The Invisible Traces of Murfatlar” summarizes the results of the detailed research carried out in 2021 – 2023 by NAIM-BAS at the rock monastery at the Murfatlar village, Constanta county, Romania.

The “Alphabet. Language. Identity” forum will continue on 28 June at the Regional History Museum in Plovdiv.