At its first meeting, held on 24 June, the newly elected Ninth General Assembly of BAS elected Prof. Vassil Kirov as the Chairman of the General Assembly of the Academy (term 2024-2028).

Prof. Kirov is the Deputy Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of BAS. His research interests include the sociology of work and organizations, industrial relations and digitalization. Prof. Kirov is a leading researcher in major EU-funded research projects (SMALL, WORKS, WALQING, ENLIVEN, BEYOND4.0) and an expert of the European Commission, the International Labour Organization, EUROFOUND and CEDEFOP. Member of the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on the impact of digitalisation on EU labour markets.

“The priorities of the Ninth General Assembly of BAS will be to achieve a budget of BAS that will allow us to raise salaries, to make BAS attractive to both young and established scientists and to be able to improve the infrastructure of the Academy; our second priority will be to maintain well the building stock and the property of the Academy, even to think about acquiring new property, something that hasn’t been done for a very long time, and our third priority will be to be able to adapt our rules, our statutes, our structure (such as institutes and laboratories) to the challenges of modern society and science, and of course all these three priorities will serve to do good science and to make BAS more and more recognizable to the world,” said Prof. Kirov.

The General Assembly (GA) is the supreme collective governing body of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The activities of the GA are carried out on the basis of the Law on BAS, the Statute of BAS and the rules adopted by the GA. The members of the GA are elected by secret ballot by the general meetings of the scientists in the permanent scientific units of BAS. The members of the General Assembly are habilitated scientists on basic employment at BAS. The term of office of the members of the General Assembly is four years and there is no limitation on repetitions. The leadership of the General Assembly consists of a Chairperson, two Vice-Chairpersons and a Secretary. (The two Vice-Chairpersons and the Secretary will be elected at the next meeting of the GA of BAS).
