Erik Dimitrov from the Institute of Polymers of BAS is the winner of the “Outstanding Young Scientist in Organic Chemistry” award for 2024. The award was established by Acad. Ivan Juchnovski, and the official ceremony was held today at the UCTM – Sofia.  The award was presented by Prof. Venko Beshkov, Chairman of the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria. This year was the 8th edition of the competition.

Erik Dimitrov’s research is devoted to the development of novel nanostructured polymer carriers of drug substances based on spherical nucleic acids of polymer-oligonucleotide conjugates, micellar carriers of block copolymers and modified niosomes for systemic delivery of biologically active substances. The results were published in five papers in reputed international Q1 journals – Biomacromolecules, Pharmaceutics (2 issues), Nanoscale Advances and Nanomatetrials.

Between 2022 and 2023 Erik Dimitrov participated in 21 national and international scientific forums where he had oral presentations and posters. He was awarded first and second prizes as a scientific supervisor of two projects developed by pupils at the Institute of Polymers – BAS in the tenth edition of the Scientific Competition Session organized by the High-School-Students’ Institute of BAS. He was a mentor of the national chemistry team of Bulgaria, contributing to the best performance for our country in the International Chemistry Olympiads – 2 gold and 2 silver medals at the 55th International Chemistry Olympiad in Zurich, Switzerland, and 4 silver medals at the 57th International Mendeleev Olympiad in Kazakhstan.