An official annual closing ceremony of the Huawei Technologies Bulgaria Scholarship Program and the Seeds for the Future training program, which have been implemented in 2023, was held on December 12 in Sofia.

Among the finalists of the Huawei Technologies Bulgaria Scholarship Program are two young scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Iskren Ivanov is a PhD student at the Space Research and Technology Institute – BAS and for the second time is a finalist of the scholarship program. He describes himself as “someone who is in love with life, knowledge, light and the ways it interacts with matter. He carries within him the pure, childlike curiosity and desire to explore. Strives to achieve better, today. Finds inspiration in the night sky, the Moon and cosmic phenomena”.

Vesela Georgieva is a PhD student in Information and Search Systems and a lecturer in Project Management at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski” as well as a specialist in the Software Engineering and Information Systems department at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – BAS. Her research interests are in the fields of: digitization of cultural heritage; museum informatics; digital humanities; digital accessibility; educational programs in museum environments. Her research priorities are focused on technologies and standards for digitally accessible presentation of cultural artifacts; development of a guide for digital accessibility of movable heritage objects with recommendations for implementation and tailored to the specificities of the Bulgarian museum context.

As an official invitee at the award ceremony, Corr. Memb. Evdokiya Pasheva, Vice-President of BAS, presented the awards to the finalists from the Academy and addressed the audience with the words “Against the background of the entry of artificial intelligence into science and life, I would like to emphasize the importance and value of “natural intelligence”, which in combination with creativity, daring and in-depth knowledge is the main driver of progress. I am convinced that it is what helped the finalists in Huawei’s programme to achieve their success. The Career Center of BAS has been actively cooperating for the second year in promoting Huawei’s fellowship program among PhD students and young scientists as an opportunity for their future professional development. I wish all the young people here to continue to succeed and achieve their dreams.”