On April 20, 2023, the second edition of the International Youth Biennale “Bulgarian Traces in the World – with Palette, Camera and Word”, organized by the Bulgarian Sunday School “Assen and Ilia Peikov” and the Cultural Association “Parallel 43” in Rome, Italy, was launched.

The main goal of the forum is to revive the collective memory of Bulgarian communities abroad and the youth in Bulgaria through the recovery of tangible and intangible cultural monuments (such as customs, traditions, artworks, architectural monuments, historical places, personalities, temples, etc.) scattered around the world where our compatriots live. With the help of teachers from Bulgarian schools in Bulgaria and abroad, children and students will become researchers, discoverers and guardians of Bulgarian traces, which will be collected and systematized in thematic albums. The Biennale is held under the patronage of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, the Executive Agency for Bulgarians Abroad, the Bulgarian Embassy in Rome. The partners of the events are the Association of Bulgarian Schools Abroad, the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Rome, the National Publishing House “Az-buki”, the Rotary Club of Dobrich, Tuscani Cioccolato, St. Anastasia Island.

The competition programme of the forum includes the opportunity to perform for children and students from 6 to 18 years – from I to XII grade (divided into three age groups). The competitors can enter one work of art: painting or graphic art, accompanied by a written description of the Bulgarian traces, as well as a short documentary film (up to 6 minutes). The deadline for submitting entries electronically is September 1, 2023 to scuolabulgara@gmail.com. Prizes, travel vouchers to St. Anastasia Island, certificates, books and thematic albums from the Biennale will be awarded. The works of all the participants will be preserved and used to promote the Forum and for exhibitions in Rome and Sofia. Information about the awarded works will be published in the newspaper “Az-buki” and on the website of the BSS “Assen and Ilia Peikov” www.scuolabulgara.jimdo.com.