The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, true to its traditions to take care of “the study of the Bulgarian lands and nature, the Bulgarian way of life, the language, literature, the Bulgarian history…”, closely monitors the development of relations between Sofia and Skopje.

It finds the Bulgarian government’s efforts to integrate the Republic of North Macedonia into the values ​​of the European Union fruitful and supports its position before the European Commission that it does not accept the currently proposed negotiating framework for the Republic of North Macedonia and the draft declaration thereof.

In this regard, it states that it will steadfastly defend with scientific means the historical truth about the past of the historical-geographical region of Macedonia, incl. the Bulgarian national and cultural affiliation of the majority of its inhabitants. The Academy will continue with research on the topic of “Macedonia” and popularisation of the results, regardless of the political influences and aspirations of certain circles in the Republic of North Macedonia to distort the past.