The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences announces with deep sorrow that on 11 October 2020, after a short illness, Academician Iliya Georgiev Pashev died.

Acad. Iliya Pashev is an iconic figure in Bulgarian molecular biology. He is the third academician (after Acad. Rumen Tsanev and Acad. Asen Hadjiolov Jr.) in this relatively young science for Bulgaria. He was born on 12 July 1938 in an intellectual Bulgarian family. His father Georgi Pashev was a member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers and is the author of dozens of books and short stories on historical topics.

After graduating from high school in Plovdiv, Acad. Pashev enrolled in medicine at the Plovdiv Higher Medical Institute, graduating with honors in 1962. After a short period as a general practitioner, he began full-time doctoral studies in the Department of Biochemistry at the same university.

In 1970, he entered the Institute of Molecular Biology of BAS as a research associate. The main scientific interests of Acad. Pashev were related to the elucidation of the structure and functions of chromatin and were summarized in more than 75 selected scientific papers published in international journals. He has led several international research projects in the field of chromatin research, as well as 6 national projects. Under the scientific supervision of Acad. Pashev 7 doctoral dissertations have been defended. The quality of the staff trained by him is evidenced by the fact that all his graduates have held or are occupying leading positions in prestigious national and foreign research laboratories.

The scientific and administrative activity of Acad. Pashev is rich: member of the Second, Third and Fourth General Assembly of BAS; long-term member of the Governing Council of BAS; Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology at BAS; member and chairman of the Commission for Biological and Medico-Biological Sciences at the Higher Attestation Commission; Chairman of the Section “Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology” at the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria and others. Acad. Pashev was also a highly sought-after expert, as evidenced by his inclusion in the Council on Chemistry, Biology and Physics at the NATO Science for Peace and Security programme for the period 2007-2010, as well as his participation in a number of international scientific commissions. Acad. Pashev was awarded various prizes and distinctions, including the “Academic Award of BAS for Biological Sciences”, “Scientist of the Year” for 2005, the Badge of Honor of BAS “Prof. Marin Drinov ”and others.

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences announces with deep sorrow that on 11 October 2020, after a short illness, Academician Iliya Georgiev Pashev died.

Acad. Iliya Pashev is an iconic figure in Bulgarian molecular biology. He is the third academician (after Acad. Rumen Tsanev and Acad. Asen Hadjiolov Jr.) in this relatively young science for Bulgaria. He was born on 12 July 1938 in an intellectual Bulgarian family. His father Georgi Pashev was a member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers and is the author of dozens of books and short stories on historical topics.

After graduating from high school in Plovdiv, Acad. Pashev enrolled in medicine at the Plovdiv Higher Medical Institute, graduating with honors in 1962. After a short period as a general practitioner, he began full-time doctoral studies in the Department of Biochemistry at the same university.

In 1970, he entered the Institute of Molecular Biology of BAS as a research associate. The main scientific interests of Acad. Pashev were related to the elucidation of the structure and functions of chromatin and were summarized in more than 75 selected scientific papers published in international journals. He has led several international research projects in the field of chromatin research, as well as 6 national projects. Under the scientific supervision of Acad. Pashev 7 doctoral dissertations have been defended. The quality of the staff trained by him is evidenced by the fact that all his graduates have held or are occupying leading positions in prestigious national and foreign research laboratories.

The scientific and administrative activity of Acad. Pashev is rich: member of the Second, Third and Fourth General Assembly of BAS; long-term member of the Governing Council of BAS; Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology at BAS; member and chairman of the Commission for Biological and Medico-Biological Sciences at the Higher Attestation Commission; Chairman of the Section “Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology” at the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria and others. Acad. Pashev was also a highly sought-after expert, as evidenced by his inclusion in the Council on Chemistry, Biology and Physics at the NATO Science for Peace and Security programme for the period 2007-2010, as well as his participation in a number of international scientific commissions. Acad. Pashev was awarded various prizes and distinctions, including the “Academic Award of BAS for Biological Sciences”, “Scientist of the Year” for 2005, the Badge of Honor of BAS “Prof. Marin Drinov ”and others.