A solemn assembly on the occasion of the 151st anniversary of the establishment of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences will be held at 11:00 am on 12 October in “Prof. Marin Drinov” hall of BAS. The Academy is the legal successor of the Bulgarian Learned Society, founded in 1869 in the Romanian city of Braila, and is the oldest and largest scientific institution in the country.

Prof. Lisbeth Lyubenova, Director of the Scientific Archive of BAS, will deliver an academic speech on the topic “150 years Bulgarian Exarchate and its connection with the Bulgarian Learned Society”. During the event, a ceremony for bestowing the Award for Journalists of BAS for 2019 will be held.

An exhibition dedicated to the first Bulgarian scientific journal will be arranged in the central foyer of the Academy. The exposition “150 years Journal of BAS” has been prepared by the Central Library of BAS.

The solemn assembly will be held in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures. The event will be broadcast live on the website of BAS www.bas.bg.