Sign of Distinction of the President of BAS for Acad. Donchev

Acad. Anton Donchev celebrated his 90th birthday on 14 September. The celebration was held under the patronage of Vice President Iliana Iotova. In recognition of his great contribution to the development of Bulgarian culture and spirituality and on the occasion of his 90th anniversary, Iliana Iotova awarded Acad. Anton Donchev with the honorary plaque of the Vice President.

Later in the day, a festive concert-performance was held in Hall 3 of the National Palace of Culture. The celebration was attended by the President of BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, who presented the Sign of Distinction of BAS to Acad. Donchev. In his speech on the occasion of the anniversary, he recalled the writer’s contribution to Bulgarian literature and named him a contemporary patriarch of native literature.

With deep recognition, we, the colleagues from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, congratulate a world-renowned writer with whom Bulgaria will be proud forever, said Acad. Revalski. Your name, creativity and tireless civic activity are pride and glory for the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, said also Acad. Revalski.



The writer Anton Donchev was elected an academician of BAS in 2000.