The 21st International School of Condensed Matter Physics (21st ISCMP) was held from 31 August to 4 September 2020 at the Frederic Joliot-Curie International House of Scientists. The organizer of the scientific forum on “Achievements and perspectives in functional materials” is the Institute of Solid State Physics at BAS.
Scientists from 15 countries took part in the 21st ISCMP, and young researchers from Bulgaria predominated among them. The participants in the school discussed in five thematic panels. Reports were presented with the scientific results achieved so far and future challenges in each of the thematic areas.
Proceedings of the conference, after review, will be published in the Journal of Physics Conference Series by IOP publishing house. Selected reports of the lecturers are planned to be published in the specialized editions Physica status solidi (Wiley) or Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly (Elsevier). The aim is to disseminate the latest and greatest advances in functional materials.