The implementation of closer cooperation between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), universities and business was the main goal of the discussion organized by RAC-Gabrovo in the Technical University (TU) in the city.

Bulgarian business has realized the important role of science to create innovations and increase the competitiveness of the products offered on the international and national market, said in her speech Tanya Hinkova – head of the Regional Innovation Center “Ambitious Gabrovo”. This meeting will allow business representatives to pose their problems as well as students to understand how they can combine their work with science and research after graduation, she added.

Prof. Zhelezarov, Rector of TU-Gabrovo, highlighted that the problem of how Bulgarian science to reach Bulgarian business faster is relevant but also very important for the development of our country. I am closely connected both with the Regional Academic Centers of BAS (RAC-BAS) as a regional coordinator until a few months ago, and with RIC Gabrovo and the university, and I think that the efforts made so far find their continuation in discussions and establishing closer contacts between business, universities and researchers.

Prof. Dimitrov, General Coordinator of the National Academic Network of BAS, told the participants that it was important to gather information about the needs of business, what were the real problems in order to seek joint solutions. The purpose of today’s discussion is for business to present to us its real problems, and BAS, through its regional network to find the right experts. Such an approach will allow joint research, projects and contact with international companies. RAC-BAS have already established themselves as centers that create opportunities for applying an interdisciplinary approach in research, education and, above all, efficient applied results, serving business, municipal and national management organizations and institutions.

The participants in the discussion presented a number of applied developments that can be immediately implemented in real business. Corresponding Member Margenov, Prof. Karastoyanov and Assoc. Prof. Georgiev from the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of BAS acquainted the business representatives with the capabilities of the unique high-performance equipment of the institute (supercomputer, 3D computer tomograph, thermal camera, high speed camera, etc.) to solve problems of business. Assoc. Prof. Stoilova, Scientific Secretary of division Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies, presented the activities of the units of the Division, as well as the latest developments of scientists in the field of new materials and technologies. The meeting was attended by students from TU-Gabrovo, universities from England and students from the high school of natural sciences and mathematics in the city. The young people discussed the possibility of conducting internships in the institutes of BAS as well as the possibility of continuing their education in doctoral programs.

The participants in the meeting viewed the exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of BAS.