The awards are on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Vazov

The prominent Vazov expert Corresponding Member Milena Tsaneva was awarded the “Marin Drinov” Badge of Honour of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for her research on iconic names from the Bulgarian literary classics and especially the work of Ivan Vazov. The President of BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, presented her with the award at a solemn ceremony in “Ivan Vazov” National Theater.

Academician Anton Donchev and the longtime director of the National High School for Ancient Languages ​​and Cultures Gergina Toncheva are the first laureates of the newly established award for spiritual contribution in the name of Ivan Vazov from the National Theater. The names of the winners of the prestigious prize, which will be awarded every year, were announced from the stage by the chairman of the “Osnova-ta” (the Basis) Foundation, Acad. Damyan Damyanov.

“We are the ones owing to whom Vazov is alive. He left, but left behind an incredible spaceship in which his characters and ideas sleep, and they come to life when we unite with them, when we give them our time, blood and love. We give eternity to Vazov’s characters”, said from the stage Acad. Anton Donchev.

Corr.-Mem. Milena Tsaneva delivered a speech on the occasion of the anniversary dedicated to Ivan Vazov.

During the solemn ceremony, the documentary “Theater during a pandemic” was presented by director Boris Radev, realized with the financial support of BAS. After the screening was the premiere on the big stage of the play “Oh, you, whoever you are” dedicated to Ivan Vazov, directed by Boyka Velkova.

The ceremony was the finale of the celebrations to mark the 170th anniversary of the birth of the Patriarch of Bulgarian Literature. The patron of the events was the mayor of Sofia Municipality Yordanka Fandakova, and partners – BAS, Sofia Municipality, BNT and BNR.