Additional funds for the National Scientific Program “Petar Beron. Science and Innovation with Europe” were voted by the Council of Ministers at today’s meeting, announced at a briefing the Minister of Education and Science Krassimir Valchev. The briefing was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Karina Angelieva, the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, full member of the Academy, and the Rector of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Prof. Anastas Gerdjikov.

The program is designed for Bulgarian scientists who return to the country to continue their scientific research and continues for the third consecutive year, the minister added. The planned funding this year is 1 million and 300 thousand levs but the amount may increase to 1 million and 900 thousand levs depending on the activity and the number of participants, said Krassimir Valchev.

I thank Prof. Julian Revalski who three years ago became the initiator and ideologist of this program which we made together with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, said the Minister of Education and Science. This is the first reintegration program in Bulgaria at all which allows the return of our compatriots from abroad, announced the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski and added that he had been working on the idea for more than ten years until its implementation by the team of Minister Valchev.

The Minister of Education and Science announced that an additional BGN 3 million and 700 thousand were provided for scholarships for doctoral students depending on the intensity of their scientific activity. In this way, a doctoral student at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences will be able to receive an additional BGN 4 200, he added. Our goal is to encourage higher education institutions and research organizations with the highest scientific activity. We mark the era of accelerated penetration of artificial intelligence in all spheres of public life. Under the leadership of Acad. Revalski, we have developed a Strategy for the accelerated implementation of artificial intelligence in the field of education and science, said also Minister Krassimir Valchev.

On his part, Acad. Revalski specified that scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have developed a framework for a National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, and are currently working on an action plan related to the implementation of the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence. Financial support for scientists at a time of severe epidemic in the country proves that science has become a priority for the government, added Acad. Julian Revalski.