The publication “On the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia” was presented to the media in “Prof. Marin Drinov” hall of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The book includes a scientifically substantiated text on the topic of the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia, written in a popular language and intended for a wide range of readers, which BAS has published in an illustrated edition. The authors are scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and three universities: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo and South-West University “Neofit Rilski”- Blagoevgrad.

The book is published 41 years after the publication of the study on “The unity of the Bulgarian language” and contains very precise text based on documents. This was said by the project coordinator Corresponding Member Vassil Nikolov, Vice-President of BAS, who introduced the authors and consultants of the publication. The book is the result of a recommendation of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members of BAS to unite the potential of Bulgarian scientists to express a unified scientific position on the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia. The book states that the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia is a southwestern written-regional norm of the Bulgarian language. A roadmap for bilateral relations in the scientific and cultural spheres has also been proposed.