The ten most current risks and threats of techno-social type related to COVID-19 for 2020 are analyzed by scientists at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of BAS (IICT). Practical protective measures are also proposed.

Summarized data from the analysis of Assoc. Prof. Zlatogor Minchev and Assistant Professor Ivan Gaydarski of the “Information Technologies for Security” department of IICT-BAS give current priority to threats and risks related to attacks on key online services and vulnerabilities in the Home Office working organization. Other important ones at the moment are: phishing threats and malware attacks. Growth in significance, but to a lesser extent, is also expected in terms of crypto-virus attacks, vulnerabilities in popular applications, robocall scams, fake applications and news, gray-market scams and malicious domains.

With this in mind, it is a good idea to implement protective measures with maximum automation, relying on intelligent systemic security and multiple-security solutions, scientists explain. This will, on the one hand, prevent the loss of data, information, technological and economic resources and, on the other, facilitate day-to-day social processes through intelligent technological support to effectively transform society into the new digital reality.

The analysis may be accessed here:

Both literary data as well as industry and research expertise gathered from the “Secure Digital Future initiative 21” were used and recent activities of the European Network of Cyber Security Centers – ECHO.