The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with deep sadness announces that on 19 January 2020, after a short illness, Academician Blagovest Hristov Sendov passed away at the age of 87.

Acad. Blagovest Sendov was a world-renowned Bulgarian mathematician, eminent statesman and public figure.

Academician Sendov was born on 8 February 1932 in Asenovgrad. In 1956, he graduated in Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics of Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski ”; from 1960 to 1961 specialized in Moscow State University; in 1964 defended his PhD thesis and in 1967 became doctor of science. In 1968, he was elected professor of computational mathematics, in 1974 – corresponding member of BAS, and in 1981 – academician.

He was the youngest doctor of sciences, the youngest professor and the youngest rector of Sofia University.

Academician Sendov’s scientific interests and achievements were in the field of approximation theory, mathematical modeling (especially in mathematical biology), numerical methods and informatics as well as in the Hausdorff approximations field which he initiated. Academician Sendov created a world-renowned Bulgarian school in these fields.

The scientific work of Academician Sendov comprises hundreds of publications, of which more than 200 scientific papers, 4 monographs, many textbooks and popular articles.

The administrative activity of Academician Sendov was rich. From 1967 to 1970, he was Deputy Director of the Mathematical Institute with Computing Center of BAS; in 1970-1973, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics at Sofia University, in 1973-1979, Rector of Sofia University, in 1980 he was elected Vice-President of BAS, in the period 1982-1988, first Vice-President of BAS and Scientific Secretary-General of BAS, and during the period 1988-1991 he was President of the Academy. At various times, he was member of the Mathematics and Physics Committee of the Higher Attestation Commission, the Dimitrov Prize Commission, the National Committee for Mathematics and other national and international bodies. In 1980, he was elected Vice-President of the World Peace Council. He was also a member of a number of foreign academies. From 1989 to 1992, he presided the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Academician Sendov was a Member of Parliament in the 36th National Assembly, President of the 37th National Assembly and Vice-President of the 38th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. During the period 2004-2009, Academician Sendov was Ambassador of Bulgaria to Japan.

Acad. Sendov was a pioneer in a number of educational innovations. In the 1970s, Academician Sendov introduced into the Faculty of Mathematics of Sofia University the three-cycle training (bachelor, master and doctoral) which is now widespread in all universities. In the 1980s, the Task Group in Education, which he created, proposed new methods of teaching at school based on emerging modern technologies.

The list of awards that Acad. Sendov received over the years in recognition of his scientific, administrative and social activities is long. In 1969, he was awarded the Dimitrov Prize in Science; in 1970, he was elected a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; in 1976, Doctor Honoris Causa of Moscow University; in 1981, he was awarded the title People’s Activist in Science; in 1982, the Order “People’s Republic of Bulgaria – 1st degree”. Acad. Sendov was also awarded the Order of “St. Cyril and Methodius – 1st degree” and more.

Acad. Sendov was a patriot and a man of great energy, enthusiasm, industriousness and the will to realize his ideas.

With the demise of Academician Blagovest Sendov, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Bulgarian science has lost a great scientist, public figure and respectable person.

Anyone who wishes to pay their last respects can do that

at 11:00 o’clock on 23.01.2020 (Thursday)

in the National Assembly building,

Knyaz Alexander I Square No. 1


From the Management Board of BAS and
the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members