A delegation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), led by Vice President Prof. Xie Xincheng, visited the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, and the Scientific Secretary-General, Prof. Evdokia Pasheva, DSc discussed opportunities for future joint research projects.

Academician Revalski presented the structure of the Academy, its research areas and institutes to the Chinese scientists. As a good example, he highlighted the collaboration of scientists at the Institute of Electrochemistry of BAS with China’s largest producer of lead batteries.

During the meeting, the establishment of contacts between scientists from the two institutions working in areas of mutual interest was discussed. The National Science Fund is about to announce a competition for bilateral co-operation for Bulgaria-China research projects, it was indicated at the meeting.

The visit to BAS is at the initiative of the National Science Fund (NSF). The talks were attended by the Director of NSF Prof. Georgi Vaysilov and the Director of the Science Directorate Milena Damyanova.