UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay visited, on 21 October, the photo exhibition of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which is arranged in the UNESCO premises in Paris and presents the activities of the Academy to the international community. Ms. Azoulay was impressed by the wide network of BAS institutes developing many-year active work in various fields of human life as well as by the achievements of the Academy and its contribution to the international exchange of scientific and technical experience.

On 16 October at the UNESCO Headquarters under the auspices of H.E. Anguel Tcholakov, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to France and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO and Professor Julian Revalski, DSc, President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, officially opened the photo exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of BAS.

The event brought together representatives of the scientific community in Paris, ambassadors, Permanent Delegates to UNESCO and compatriots from the Bulgarian community in Paris. By initiative of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Academy is included in the UNESCO program for 2019.