Eighty young scientists exchanged scientific ideas during an interdisciplinary doctoral forum dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The Scientific Secretary-General of BAS and director of the PhD Training Center – BAS, Prof. Evdokia Pasheva, opened the event. “The purpose of the meeting is to present your scientific results in a comprehensible way to a wider audience, to find like-minded people and to establish closer contacts in all divisions for possible future cooperation,” Prof. Pasheva noted. “I hope you will continue to pursue science in the future,” she said.

The event was organized by the PhD Training Center – BAS and was held at Samokov Hotel, Borovets, from 29 to 31 August 2019. In the forum, which was held for the second time, took part PhD students from the institutes of the Academy and from universities in the country – Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, UACEG, UCTM, UNWE, NBU, University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov”, Burgas and Agricultural University, Plovdiv. The event aimed to encourage interdisciplinary thinking as well as communication of PhD students who are at different stages of their scientific and career development with colleagues and established scientists.

he forum brought together young people from all scientific fields. In sessions moderated by BAS scientific secretaries and a jury of the event the PhD students made their presentations in divisions Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies; Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies; Cultural and Historical Heritage and National Identity; Man and Society; Biomedicine and Quality of Life; Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology; Climate Change, Hazards and Natural Resources; Astronomy, Space Research and Technologies and participated in lively discussions.

Scientific jury chaired by Prof. Dr. Sevdalina Dimitrova and members: Prof. Emil Manoach, Assoc. Prof. Olya Stoilova, Prof. Nina Atanassova, Cor-mem. Dimitar Ivanov, Prof. Kristalina Stoykova, Prof. Joanna Spassova-Dikova and Assoc. Prof. Ergyul Tair Redzheb evaluated the participants with papers and posters and recognized the best scientific developments. The awards will be presented at an official ceremony.


A collection with the abstracts of the reports and posters prepared for the Second Interdisciplinary Forum has been published.

An Erasmus+ information meeting was also held within the forum.