President Rumen Radev awarded the “Prof. Marko Semov” prize on the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for its bright presence in the spiritual life of the nation and on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Academy. The ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of the great Bulgarian writer, publicist and national psychologist Prof. Marko Semov took place on July 10 at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The distinction is only one of the many received by BAS in its long history but it is a clear sign that without the Academy our society cannot straighten up to be equal with the other peoples from whom we can be divided by a great distance of welfare but not by spirit, President Rumen Radev pointed out at BAS.

The immune system of every state, these are the scientists and teachers, the people of spirituality, of arts and letters – those who work diligently and tirelessly for the enlightenment of their own people, the Head of State said at the ceremony.

President Radev noted that the spiritual height that Prof. Marko Semov bequeathed to us is a huge national capital. In his words, our challenge today is to transform this spiritual height into energy in order to cope with the problems of modern times and for Bulgaria to move forward, as he wanted to see the Bulgarians: united with a common goal of peace, prosperity, justice, testifying their worthy position.

In difficult times, in times of separation, as he would have said, the educated community leaders are the ones who gather the scattered pieces of our national spirit and bequeath them to the next generations, Rumen Radev pointed out. He indicated that Prof. Semov had gone further not only by collecting these pieces but also by assembling them in a colorful picture of the Bulgarian beingness and asking us to look for ourselves in the future and in the surrounding world.

Academician Julian Revalski, the President of BAS, received the prize and thanked for the high distinction and to its founders for awarding it for the first time to an institution and this is BAS. We are proud that Professor Semov’s scientific work, who is also a corresponding member of BAS and one of the most prominent researchers in the field of national psychology, has been inextricably linked to the activities of the Academy’s institutes, Acad. Revalski said.

Spirituality has always been what a nation overcomes the difficulties in its development with and at the same time helps building its future, said the President of the Academy. In its 150-year history, BAS has always been a bright example for presence in the spiritual life of the nation. Established as a Bulgarian Learned Society nine years before the Liberation, the activity of the founders of BAS is related to the study of language, history, culture, spirituality, enlightenment, reminded Acad. Revalski. He assured that BAS will continue to be the pillar of the nation’s spirituality.

The “Prof. Marco Semov” prize was founded by the Union of Bulgarian Journalists, the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Municipality of Apriltsi. The Director of the National Theater, Marius Donkin, was leading the ceremony. Excerpts from the work of Marko Semov were presented by actors Rousy Chanev and Dimitar Jivkov.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the academic community, intellectuals and public figures, judges, ministers, Members of Parliament and others.