The President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS, accompanied by Professor Evdokia Pasheva, Scientific Secretary-General of the Academy and Professor Sevdalina Dimitrova, Scientific Secretary of division “Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency”, visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna in the period 2-4 June 2019.

The visit was in the framework of the 12th International Meeting “JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries” (JEMS-12).

As part of the JEMS-12 program, the Bulgarian delegation acquainted itself with the scientific infrastructure of the Institute and met with leading scientists from various laboratories. Besides the planned meetings in the JEMS-12 program, the Bulgarian delegation also met with the leaders of the Laboratory of Information Technologies and the Laboratory of Radiation Biology. During the visit in Dubna, the delegation also spoke with Bulgarian scientists working at JINR.

In the framework of the visit, the members of the Bulgarian delegation met with the Director of JINR, Acad. Victor Matveev. During the meeting, Academician Julian Revalski noted that the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is a priority scientific partner of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Acad. Victor Matveev highlighted that JINR is making systematic efforts to establish contacts with a wide range of scientific institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Acad. Julian Revalski expressed hope that increasing support for research will allow for a significant expansion of cooperation between Bulgaria and JINR and highlighted the need to attract young people to science and the importance of establishing academic exchanges for young scientists.

During the meeting, Academician Julian Revalski handed to Academician Viktor Matveev an official invitation to attend the 150th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which would be held in October this year.