Scientists from the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum of BAS introduced pupils from the 4th Primary School “Prof. John Atanasoff” in Sofia to the traditions on Lazar Day’s holiday called “lazaruvane”. The Fifth grade pupils listened to an educational lecture related to the feasting rituals of lazaruvane and learned more about the work of folklorists and ethnologists.

In one of the renovated halls of the National Ethnographic Museum in the former Prince Palace, the pupils were shown videos from different villages in the country in order to feel the richness and diversity of the Bulgarian cultural traditions in the clothes, the jewels, the songs and the games of the lazarki maidens. Chief Assistant Stela Nenova, PhD and Chief Assistant Milena Lyubenova, PhD told them about the creation of the documentaries and explained why it was important to record such customs and rituals.

“One of our main tasks as researchers is to show the children how our cultural traditions are documented and explored, how the collected materials – handwritten descriptions, audio, photo and video recordings are kept in the archives of the institute in order to preserve for generations this rich heritage”, commented Chief Assistant Iva Stanoeva, PhD, folklorist at IEFSEM – BAS. “Our tremendous desire is to awaken in the adolescents interest in our cultural heritage and respect for its richness and diversity”.

The event was organized within the framework of the programme of IEFSEM on the occasion of 150 years of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.