Newly elected academicians of BAS

Elections for new members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (academicians and corresponding members) are held from 24 to 28 September. The Assembly of Academicians has elected the following new academicians of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:       Mathematical Sciences: Academician Stefan Petrov Ivanov (born 1957) His scientific interests are in the field of geometry and mathematical physics. He is an internationally recognized and established specialist in Riemannian and complex differential geometry, string theories, quaternion geometry, etc., with some of his strongest results in string theories and geometry. Acad. Stefan Ivanov has made an indisputable contribution to the development of the Bulgarian school of modern differential geometry and geometry of manifolds. He works at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University [...]

2024-09-26T12:58:24+03:00Wednesday, 25 September 2024|Categories: AACM, Selected|

Exhibition “The Literary Heritage in the Library of the Bulgarian Exarchate in Istanbul”

  The exhibition "The Literary Heritage in the Library of the Bulgarian Exarchate in Istanbul" has been opened today at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The exposition presents the activities of the Central Library of BAS in the period September 2024-September 2025 under the "Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad" NSP. The exhibition was opened by the Director of the Central Library of BAS, Dr. Silviya Naydenova, who noted that thanks to an agreement between the library and the Bulgarian Exarchate in Istanbul, an inventory of the books in the Exarchate library had been made. The collection of books available to the Bulgarian Exarchate in Istanbul is remarkable and rich, said Dr. Silviya Naydenova, adding that the oldest book found by the researchers dated [...]

Memorial prayer for the founders of the Bulgarian Learned Society (BLS)

A memorial prayer for the founders of the Bulgarian Learned Society (BLS), the donors of the Ascension of Christ Church, the clergy and Hristo Botev was celebrated in Braila, Romania, during the second day of the official visit of the delegation of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences led by the President, Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS. The prayer (said in Romanian and Bulgarian) was led by His Eminence Archbishop Cassian of the Lower Danube, in communion with Archpriest Kiril Sinev (representative of the Bulgarian Patriarchate in Bucharest, Romania). "The Bulgarian Learned Society, which later became the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), is undoubtedly the most significant contribution to the Bulgarian National Revival in the field of the spiritual sphere," said the President of BAS, [...]

2024-09-25T09:55:49+03:00Friday, 20 September 2024|Categories: General news|

New Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Romanian Academy

A new Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and the Romanian Academy (RA) was signed on 17 September in Bucharest by the Presidents of the two Academies, Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS, and Acad. Ioan-Aurel Pop. With this act the two-day official visit of a delegation from BAS dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the establishment of the Bulgarian Learned Society (today BAS), started. The document, signed at the Club of Academicians of the Romanian Academy, provides for the continuation of cooperation in various fields of scientific and academic research such as history, chemistry, medicine, nuclear physics, ethnography and folklore, linguistics. The first agreements on scientific cooperation between BAS and RA were signed in the 1950s and 1960s. They [...]

The oldest academic publishing house in the world publishes a book by a BAS scientist

The book by Moutafov E. S. The Chora Monastery of Constantinople. Cambridge University Press; 2024, ISBN: 9781108931137, 90 pp. is now available in electronic version. The monograph by Prof. Emmanuel Moutafov of the Institute of Art Studies - BAS is the fourth in The Elements of the History of Constantinople of the Cambridge University Press series. It was written at an invitation of 2018 by the series editor, Prof. Peter Frankopan of Oxford University (Silk Roads: A New History of the World, 2015; New Silk Roads: Future and Present of the World, 2018). The leading British historian invited Prof. Moutafov to write the book on this Constantinople monument because of his previous publications on the monastery. Other invitees included, for example, Prof. Albrecht Berger of [...]

BAS and BNR with a new initiative for science

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian National Radio will cooperate and implement joint initiatives for the development of science in society. This is stated in the Memorandum signed today at the Academy by the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS, and the Director General of BNR Milen Mitev. The President of BAS thanked that BNR often gives scientists the opportunity to present their work on its programmes and noted that he hoped this would continue and be further developed with new ideas. We live in a time of overinformation, the BNR Director General said. He said the mission of the medium is to tell more about science and suggested that through the resources of the radio, science books could be [...]

2024-09-26T13:00:39+03:00Thursday, 12 September 2024|Categories: General Academic News|
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