June – month of herbs

Medicinal plants are one of the greatest treasures of our country. The first step for the conservation and sustainable use of this wealth is well knowing it. The Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research has established an ex situ collection of medicinal and essential oil plants which is maintained and updated with new species every year. The collection includes rare and endangered species such as Mursala tea, marsh snowdrops, haberlea rhodopensis, alkanna tinctoria, elecampane, shrubby cinquefoil and others. […]

2021-06-23T11:49:07+03:00Monday, 21 June 2021|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology|

The development of the Arabian Desert as a driver of megafaunal exchange between Eurasia and Africa over the last ten million years

An international team of paleontologists, in which one of the lead authors is Prof. Nikolai Spassov from the National Museum of Natural History of BAS, has published new data and arguments for the dispersal of mammalian fauna and our human ancestors from Eurasia to Africa millions of years ago. Zagros Mountains in Iran on the border with Mesopotamia (photo by Prof. M. Böhme) The idea that the formation of Sahara and the Arabian Desert was once a barrier to faunal exchange between Eurasia and Africa was put forward in the 1980s. At the same time, according to another hypothesis from the late nineties, the roots of today's mammalian fauna of the African savanna are linked to the "Pikermian" savanna biome of the Late [...]

2021-06-04T10:27:54+03:00Monday, 31 May 2021|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology|

140 years since the birth of Acad. Metodi Popov

A close friendship connects our great scientist with Albert Einstein April 29 marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of Acad. Metodi Popov. The great Bulgarian biologist was born in 1881 in Shumen, and his brother was the mathematician Acad. Kiril Popov. Both are individuals with broad interests in science and the arts. They were involved in classical music since childhood, playing the cello and the violin. Acad. Metodi Popov graduated in biology at Sofia University, and later specialized in biology, comparative anatomy and parasitology in Munich with the world-famous scientist Richard Hertwig. He held a PhD from the University of Munich and worked as an assistant professor of zoology and comparative anatomy. He continued his specialization in microbiology at the Robert Koch Institute in [...]

2021-05-10T10:26:46+03:00Wednesday, 28 April 2021|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology|

PhD student at BAS is the winner of a special award for significant contribution to the development of scientific research in Bulgaria

PhD student Eva Filipova from the Forest Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is the winner of the special award for significant contribution to the development of research in Bulgaria at the National Representation of Student Councils. The award is given for the first time within the competition “Student of the Year” and is awarded for research on the wild chestnut pests which contributes to the protection of chestnut forests in Bulgaria. Eva Filipova thanked for the support of the scientists from the Forest Research Institute and the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research of BAS and wished young people to keep their enthusiasm and inspiration and to believe in science. […]

2021-03-04T11:22:14+02:00Tuesday, 2 March 2021|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology|

Two of the institutes of BAS start digitizing their scientific collections in a joint project

The implementation of the first stage of the project "Distributed system of scientific collections - Bulgaria (DiSSCo-BG)" started with an online meeting of the team. Тhe project will be implemented by the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research (IBER-BAS) and the National Museum of Natural History (NMNHs-BAS), united in the consortium "Upgrading distributed scientific infrastructure: Distributed system of scientific collections-Bulgaria (DiSSCo-BG)". The consortium is the Bulgarian unit in the pan-European distributed research infrastructure DiSSCo, recognized as a research infrastructure of European importance and included in the Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) in 2018. The project is also realized as part of the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures for the period 2020-2027. The main goal of the scientists from BAS is [...]

2021-02-01T09:36:24+02:00Thursday, 28 January 2021|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology|
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