Establishment of a National DNA Barcoding Consortium
On 27.09.2023 at the “Prof. Marin Drinov" Hall of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was held the National Symposium "Establishment of a Bulgarian Consortium on DNA Barcoding - Bulgarian Barcode of Life". The event was organized by an Initiative Committee including seven institutions: Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics - BAS, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - BAS, National Museum of Natural History - BAS, Faculty of Biology of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", University of Forestry, Agricultural Academy and the “Pensoft” science publishing house. The one-day symposium aimed to present the existing initiatives and organizations that apply DNA barcoding methods to study biodiversity in Bulgaria, as well as to summarize the ongoing discussions and organizational activities related to the launch of the [...]