An exhibition dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the arrival of Mikhailo Dragomanov in Bulgaria

An exhibition dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the arrival of Mkhailo Dragomanov in Bulgaria was opened on 18 December in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The exposition has been arranged by the Scientific Archives of BAS and is conducted under the auspices of the President of BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, full member of the Academy and the Ambassador of Ukraine to Bulgaria, H.E. Vitaliy Moskalenko. The opening was also attended by the ambassadors of Poland, Serbia, Moldova and Russia. […]

2020-01-21T15:14:44+02:00Wednesday, 18 December 2019|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

Minister Krasimir Valchev visited the Institute for Literature and the Institute for Historical Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev together with the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, member of the Academy, visited two institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in division "Cultural-Historical Heritage and National Identity". They became acquainted with the work and current projects of scientists at the Institute for Literature and the Institute for Historical Studies. The Institute of Literature has become a center for humanitarian and interdisciplinary studies of literature from the Middle Ages to the present day, said Assoc. Prof. Elka Traykova. She spoke about a series of digital science projects and attractive multimedia products that are freely available in the virtual space. Research at the Institute of Literature applies modern approaches developed in world humanities, said Professor Traykova. A [...]

2019-12-08T18:32:09+02:00Monday, 2 December 2019|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

Russian historian with the honorary sign “Marin Drinov” for the Day of the Institute for Literature

The honorary sign of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences “Marin Drinov” on ribbon was conferred to Prof. Anatoly Turilov, a paleoslavic historian at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This took place during the opening of the international conference “Routes of Literary Communication of the Eastern and Southern Slavs in 11-20 Centuries” on 21 November in “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall of BAS. […]

2019-11-27T03:18:35+02:00Thursday, 21 November 2019|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

Over 60 historians from all over the world gathered at BAS for a conference on nomads

“Nomads and their Neighbors in the Middle Ages” is the topic of a conference organized by the Institute for Historical Studies at BAS and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “. The event was opened on 20 November in “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and is funded by the “Cultural Heritage, National Memory and Social Development” National Research Program. […]

2019-11-27T03:29:31+02:00Wednesday, 20 November 2019|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

The Director-General of UNESCO visited the exhibition of BAS in Paris

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay visited, on 21 October, the photo exhibition of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which is arranged in the UNESCO premises in Paris and presents the activities of the Academy to the international community. Ms. Azoulay was impressed by the wide network of BAS institutes developing many-year active work in various fields of human life as well as by the achievements of the Academy and its contribution to the international exchange of scientific and technical experience. […]

2019-10-29T15:07:11+02:00Tuesday, 22 October 2019|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|Tags: |
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