“Encyclopaedia Bulgaria” of BAS nominated for the Golden Lion Award

The publication is nominated for publishing project with the greatest public importance The Bulgarian Book Association and the journalistic jury have nominated the special edition "Encyclopaedia Bulgaria" of the Bulgarian Encyclopaedia Scientific Information Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Knigomania publishing house for the "Golden Lion" award for the publishing project with the greatest public importance. The nomination is a recognition of the enormous scientific work whose components shape the image of the concept of Bulgaria and encourage solidarity in our common life.

2021-12-20T11:16:11+02:00Thursday, 9 December 2021|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

A discussion meeting with a lecture brought together two scientific teams of the “Heritage BG” Centre of Excellence

The event was organized jointly by the teams of the projects "Policies for the Safeguarding and Socialization of (Intangible and Movable) Cultural Heritage" and "Policies for the Safeguarding and Promotion of Immovable Cultural Properties of Local Importance in Bulgaria. Ethnological Analysis on the Examples of the Municipalities of Balchik, Kavarna, Garmen and Sandanski" (July 2021-July 2023) within the framework of the project BG05M2OP001-1.001-0001 - Building and Development of the Centre of Excellence "HERITAGE BG" (Activity B) and the scientifically applied seminar "Research Methods in Ethnology and Anthropology" of the Section "Balkan Ethnology" at IEFSEM - BAS. The lecture on "Contemporary methods for the assessment of intangible cultural heritage elements", delivered by Corr. Mem. Prof. DSc Mila Santova, presented basic principles and methods for the evaluation [...]

2021-12-07T09:25:36+02:00Tuesday, 30 November 2021|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

Ethno-linguistic Dictionary of Bulgarian Folk Medicine

Traditional folk culture has developed over the centuries a system of healing practices and magical rituals to cure and prevent various diseases. Elements of empirical rationalism and magical notions are often intertwined in the remedies used. The lexemes from the thematic groups “health” and “disease” reveal the knowledge and experience of the Bulgarian in the treatment and prevention of diseases, the place of physical and mental health in their value system. The aim of the “Ethnolinguistic Dictionary of Bulgarian Folk Medicine” is to present the concepts of “health” and “disease” in the Bulgarian linguistic picture of the world in diachronic and synchronic aspects, revealing their linguistic representations in medieval manuscripts and in dialects from the entire Bulgarian linguistic area. […]

2021-10-11T10:34:39+03:00Monday, 4 October 2021|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

World scholars presented the latest research in Byzantine law

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Germany, presented research results in the field of Byzantine law during an international scientific conference entitled “The History of Byzantine Law in the Context of World Legal History” (Byzantinistik und Byzantinische Rechtsgeschichte im Kontext der Internationalen Rechtsgeschichte). The event was held from 28 September to 1 October in the “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall of BAS and the National Archaeological Museum. […]

2021-10-11T11:12:35+03:00Monday, 4 October 2021|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

Exhibition “100 years since the birth of Academician Nikolai Todorov”

The Institute of Balkan Studies with the Center for Thracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences presents the exhibition "Balkan Studies, Diplomacy and Politics. 100 years since the birth of Acad. Nikolai Todorov". It can be viewed in the foyer of BAS (1, 15 November Street) until 8 October. The centenary of the birth of Acad. Nikolai Todorov (1921-2003), a prominent scientist, diplomat and politician in Bulgaria's recent history, is an occasion to recall his contribution as Ambassador to Athens in 1979-1983 to the building of good-neighbourly relations in the Balkans in the last years of the Cold War. As a member of the Executive Committee of UNESCO (1972-1976), he became President of the XXIII UNESCO General Conference in 1985-1987, held for the first and [...]

2021-10-01T11:07:26+03:00Thursday, 30 September 2021|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|

BAS participates in the European Heritage Days with an exhibition on Dante Alighieri

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences will take part for the seventh consecutive year in the European Heritage Days – Sofia initiative, organized jointly with Sofia Municipality, the Ministry of Culture and the French Cultural Institute. On Saturday, 18 September 2021, the doors of the central building of BAS at 1, 15 November Str. will be open for visitors from 10 am to 3 pm. A guide will show guests around the Academy and introduce them to the history of the oldest institution in modern Bulgaria. In the “Prof. Marin Drinov”  Hall, a film about the history of BAS will be screened. […]

2021-09-17T10:19:35+03:00Monday, 13 September 2021|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity|
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