Statue of the god Hermes in the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica

An archaeological team led by Prof. Dr. Lyudmil Vagalinski (NAIM-BAS) discovered on July 3, 2024 a well-preserved statue in the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica, near the village of Rupite, municipality of Petrich. According to an initial estimate (the front part of the sculpture is still hardly visible), it represents the god Hermes and was carved from a block of marble in the II century AD. The statue survived a violent earthquake at the very end of the IV century after which it was hidden in a defunct Roman canal because of tensions between pagans and early Christians. Christianity was declared in 380 to be the only permitted religion in the Roman Empire. The statue will be on display at the Petrich History Museum.

International Cyrillic Forum “Alphabet. Language. Identity”

The "Alphabet. Language. Identity" International Cyrillic Forum with the participation of scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has been opened by President Rumen Radev at the National Palace of Culture. The Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and the Slavonic script are deeply embedded in our state and institutional framework, the President said. Thanks to their strength and beauty, Bulgaria has been built as a country of the spirit which thousands of years ago became one of the cultural centres of Europe, Head of State Rumen Radev said. The two-day event was initiated by Vice President Iliana Iotova and is a continuation of the 2022 international forum on the Cyrillic alphabet "... And we have given something to the world.” In her opening speech, Vice [...]

Innovative project for 3D digitization of cultural heritage launched at IEFSEM – BAS

The "3D data on cultural heritage through three-dimensional, automated, scientifically based digitization" project was launched at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum - BAS. The research focuses on the study and safeguarding of Bulgarian traditional dance through the latest achievements of modern digital technologies. For the first time in the world, data on the movements of a group of chain dance (khoro) players, bearers of traditional knowledge, will be captured and documented using inertial sensor systems. Among the main objectives of the project is the modeling and implementation of an Internet of Things (IoT) based prototype of a 3D spatio-temporal motion data digitization system. It is envisaged to create a "Standardized Protocol for the Ethical Conduct of 3D Digitization of Group [...]

Golden Plaquette of BAS for the Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre for Thracology

  The Institute of Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology of BAS (IBSCT-BAS) celebrated 60 years since its foundation with a party in the "Prof. Marin Drinov" Hall of the Academy. The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, presented an honorary plaquette - golden - to the Director, Prof. Roumiana Preshlenova. The prize is awarded for a significant contribution to fundamental and applied research of the history, culture, geopolitical processes in the Balkans and on the occasion of the anniversary. Over the past 60 years the Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology has gained both national and international prestige, said Prof. Revalski in his address to the scientists of the Institute. He pointed out that the IBSCT has been [...]

Presentation of the new book “Macedonia: History and Culture from Antiquity to Today”

Premiere of the new book in two volumes "Macedonia: History and Culture from Antiquity to Today", published by the Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS took place on 2 April at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The book was created by scientists from several institutes and universities, said Acad. Vassil Nikolov who thanked all 35 authors of the two-volume book as well as the academic publishing house. He stressed that the publication was created under the Academy's programme for monographic studies and collections dedicated to the history and culture of the Bulgarian diaspora outside the country's political borders. President Rumen Radev sent a congratulatory address on the occasion of the presentation of the book, "Without any doubt, this large-scale scientific study provides the general [...]

Achievements of the Archaeological Year 2023

  The "Bulgarian Archaeology 2023" exhibition will be open for visitors  from 15 February to 26 May 2024 in the Central Hall of the National Museum of Archaeology with Museum at 1, Atanas Burov Sq. The National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NAIM at BAS) presents the seventeenth national archaeological exhibition "Bulgarian Archaeology 2023". The exhibition shows the most interesting finds and rich illustrative material from the field work of Bulgarian archaeologists in 2023. It is organized on the occasion of the professional holiday of the archaeologist, 14 February, when it will be officially opened. "In recent years, due to a number of external factors, the practice of starting the archaeological season later than planned and running it at an [...]

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