With a stamp with customized vignette, BAS is marking the Bulgarian contribution to reproductive immunology

The Bulgarian contribution to reproductive immunology and biotechnologies was marked by the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction “Acad. Kiril Bratanov” of BAS with the issuance of a postage stamp with a customized vignette. This happened within the framework of the exhibition “The Role of IBIR for the Development of Reproductive Biology and Immunology”, which took place from 22 to 27 November in the foyer of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. […]

2019-12-08T18:19:00+02:00Wednesday, 27 November 2019|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life|

Scientists study changes in human cells through the super resolution of Andor Dragonfly

Center for Advanced Microscopy for basic and applied research in biology, medicine and biotechnology was opened at the Institute of Molecular Biology of BAS (IMB-BAS). The Center is part of the Euro-BioImaging Consortium (http://www.eurobioimaging.eu/), in which 14 European countries participate. The confocal microscope system Andor Dragonfly which is among the most advanced combined microscopic observation systems for the study of living cells by super-resolution was presented at the opening. The event was attended by the Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Karina Angelieva, the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, the Scientific Secretary of BAS of division “Biomedicine and Quality of Life” Prof. Nina Atanassova, scientists and journalists. Assoc. Prof. Stoyno Stoynov of [...]

2019-11-19T18:05:35+02:00Friday, 15 November 2019|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life, Selected|

Scientists are looking for new approaches to the treatment of socially significant diseases

New methodologies for the application of natural products of plant and animal origin from Bulgaria to support the therapy of some infectious, malignant and neurodegenerative diseases are developed by scientists from 7 institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and 5 higher schools. Scientific cooperation is within the framework of the first national scientific program for biomedical research in Bulgaria "Innovative Low-Toxic Biologically Active Means for Precision Medicine (BioActiveMed)". Expectations, after its implementation, are related to developing new approaches in the treatment of socially significant diseases and reducing the cost of their treatment. Scientists from seven institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences participate in the Biomedical Research Program. Extracts from natural sources (such as herbs and snail mucus) will be used in the preparation [...]

2019-04-15T13:56:22+03:00Tuesday, 26 March 2019|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life, Selected|

A new study highlights herbal antioxidants as an alternative to vitamins and minerals

Herbal antioxidants are about to become an alternative to vitamins and minerals. This is indicated by the recently published results of an international team study with the participation of Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Tsvetkov from the Institute of Molecular Biology “Acad. Roumen Tsanev” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMB-BAS). […]

2019-04-15T13:46:45+03:00Wednesday, 23 January 2019|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life|
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