There is no risk of radioactive exposure of the people in Bulgaria because of forest fires in the Chernobyl area

Experts from the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on the basis of the existing monitoring system of the institute confirm that there is no increase of the background radiation in the country in recent weeks, there is no risk for the population of Bulgaria and there is no need to take radiation protection measures. On Saturday, 4 April 2020, a fire broke out in the restricted area around Chernobyl NPP. It covered an area of ​​over 100 hectares of forests and grasslands in the so-called Chernobyl radiation-ecological biosphere reserve which was aided by the climatic conditions - very dry and snowless winter and strong winds in early April. Unlike in previous years, the fire has now reached [...]

2020-04-21T18:55:17+03:00Tuesday, 21 April 2020|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency|

Prof. Gérard Mourou: The power of the extreme-light laser is 1000 times bigger than the power of the world energy network

The laser with ultra-high intensity pulses is 1000 times more powerful than the World Energy Network. This was said by the Nobel Prize winner in Physics 2018, Professor Gérard Mourou, during his lecture. The French scientist was honored with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for his achievements in the field of laser science and technology at a ceremony held on 25 February in the “Marin Drinov” Hall of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. […]

2020-02-28T15:52:08+02:00Tuesday, 25 February 2020|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency, General Academic News, Selected|

A young scientist at IEES-BAS is the winner of the “Entrepreneur in Science 2020” competition with a project for an ecological battery

Assist. Prof. Iliyan Popov, PhD from the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems (IEES-BAS) is one of the two winners of this year’s “Entrepreneurs in Science” competition organized by Karoll Knowledge Foundation. The award ceremony took place on 23 January 2020 in the building of Karoll Knowledge Foundation. […]

2020-01-27T18:33:36+02:00Friday, 24 January 2020|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency|

Bulgarian scientists with an innovative solution for extending the trolleybus travelling distance

Scientific achievements with potential for practical application which were realized in the first year of implementation of the National Research Program "Low Carbon Energy for the Transport and Domestic Use - EPLUS” were presented today at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The scientists from BAS and the partner organizations presented the achievements in the three components of the program: Saving and converting renewable energy; Electric Vehicles and Hydrogen Mobility and Effective methods for capturing and utilizing CO2. The forum was opened by the Vice-President of BAS and Program Manager of EPLUS Program, corr.-mem. Konstantin Hadjiivanov. There is a good synchronization between the scientific results and the demonstration part of the program, said the advisor to the Minister of Education and Science Prof. Ivan Dimov. Prof. [...]

2019-12-08T18:36:00+02:00Monday, 2 December 2019|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency|

Fourth International Conference on Cyclotron Physics

The Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy hosted the fourth international conference on cyclotron physics which was held from 21 to 24 November 2019 in the town of Varshets. The event was opened with a welcome speech by the Mayor of Varshets Municipality, eng. Ivan Lazarov, and the Deputy Director of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Prof. Dimitar Tonev in his role of organizer and host. Traditionally, the forum brings together distinguished scientists and experts from Bulgaria and the world. Lecturers from Italy, France, Germany and Russia as well as representatives of leading organizations in the field of nuclear energy and nuclear medicine participated in the conference this year. Eng. Alexander Nikolov, Deputy Director of Kozloduy NPP EAD, expressed the opinion [...]

2019-12-08T18:25:55+02:00Monday, 25 November 2019|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency|

Meeting of scientists from INRNE – BAS and American researchers in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear medicine

A delegation of 10 US scientists from the National Science Foundation (NSF) visited the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE-BAS), on 22 July 2019. At the meeting, the scientific infrastructure and activity of the researchers from INRNE were presented in order to prepare and implement future joint projects. […]

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