Ambassadors visited BEO “Moussala” at INRNE – BAS

Representatives of diplomatic missions in the country climbed Moussala Peak on 27 August 2021 and visited the Basic Ecological Observatory (BEO) Moussala at the Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) BAS. The visit was organized by INRNE – BAS at the suggestion of Ms. Ekaterina Pavlova, Editor-in-Chief of the “Diplomatic Spectrum” magazine. […]

The Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy-BAS presents the beauty of nuclear science and technology in a photo exhibition

The beauty of nuclear science and high technology, revealed in 30 professional photographs on the Bridge of Lovers, will delight the residents and guests of Sofia from 10th to 23rd August 2021. The organizer of the photo exhibition "Sun on the Earth - New Era in Nuclear Technologies" is the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy - BAS in partnership with the Bulgarian Nuclear Society, with the assistance of Sofia Municipality and the support of “Rosatom” and “Bulatom”. The exhibition is inspired by advances in the field of thermonuclear fusion. The pictures reflect moments in the development of the international engineering and research project ITER as well as Bulgarian participation in it. Many of them were provided by ITER as well as by INRNE-BAS [...]

A single-family house with zero electricity consumption and a hydrogen-powered trolleybus were presented by scientists

Bulgaria’s first multidisciplinary demonstration projects involving industry, local government and business were presented at an online information meeting under the National Science Programme “Low-Carbon Energy for Transport and Domestic Use (EPLUS)”. […]

2021-06-16T09:25:10+03:00Saturday, 12 June 2021|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency|

Dr. Herbert Giess is the new winner of the Gaston Planté Medal

The organizer of the international conference LABAT`2021 is the Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, awarded virtually Dr. Herbert Giess with the Gaston Planté Medal, with which the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences honours scientists and inventors for their outstanding contribution to the development of lead-acid batteries. The event took place on 9 June from the studio of the Eleventh International Conference on Lead-Acid Batteries – LABAT`2021. Although it was the first time that the scientific forum was held online, the organizers from the Electrochemistry of Lead-Acid Batteries Department at the Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems (IEES-BAS) carried out the ceremony to announce the result of the secret ballot [...]

2021-06-14T10:19:47+03:00Thursday, 10 June 2021|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency, General news|

The training of specialists in the nuclear field is a priority in the cooperation between INRNE and NEA

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is home to the largest center for research and education in the nuclear field in Bulgaria. This is the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE), said Prof. Dimitar Tonev, Deputy Director of the INRNE during the meeting with representatives of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA). It was held online on 20 January 2021 on the occasion of Bulgaria's admission as a member of the Agency. The purpose of the meeting was to determine the areas of interaction, working methods and ways of cooperation and support between the two organisations. In his speech, Prof. Tonev highlighted the need for new staff, especially after the decision of the Council of Ministers to [...]

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