The Space Research and Technology Institute presented new projects

Bulgarian space foods, drones’ capabilities demonstrations and the newest ideas for remote earth sensing from space are just some of the topics that the Space Research and Technology Institute at BAS (SRTI-BAS) spoke about on its Open Door Day on the occasion of the 50th anniversary from its establishment. For the first time, the institute also showed a pilot training simulator. There is also a Technology Transfer Center in SRTI-BAS. A three-dimensional model of Sofia created on the basis of satellite images for analysis and evaluation of air pollution showed the scientists. Another current project is related to the determination of water quality owing to satellite images from space – it has been applied to Varna Lake and Iskar Dam on a test basis. The [...]

2019-11-19T18:05:02+02:00Friday, 15 November 2019|Categories: Astronomy, Space Research and Technologies|

50 years of space research at BAS place Bulgaria on the world map of space countries

For 50 years, scientists at the Space Research and Technology Institute have made Bulgaria the 18th space state in the world, creating more than 150 devices which have been flying on the International Space Station and in orbit around Mars. The director of the institute, Prof. Rumen Nedkov, said that during the celebration. The solemn meeting on the occasion of the anniversary was held on 6 November in “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall at BAS. Prof. Nedkov also emphasized that SRTI – BAS is in a long-term international partnership with institutions such as the European Space Agency, ROSCOSMOS and the space research institutes of Japan and India. […]

2019-11-12T13:38:26+02:00Thursday, 7 November 2019|Categories: Astronomy, Space Research and Technologies, General Academic News|Tags: |

Seven cosmonauts together at BAS on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the flight of Georgi Ivanov

An exhibition of photographs from the flight of the first Bulgarian cosmonaut can be seen until April 14 at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The exhibition is shown for the first time and is prepared by the Institute of Space Research and Technology of BAS. […]

ISRT-BAS apparatus operates in orbit around Mars

The Trace Gas Orbiter satellite launched under the European and Russian Space agencies’ project ExoMars reached Mars in October 2016. During TGO transit to Mars our dosemeter Liuli-MO (a unit of the Russian neutron detector FREND) performed perfectly, and we obtained unique results about the radiation environment along an Earth-Mars journey. These results are already published in ICARUS journal ( […]

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