Scientists of BAS with awards for high scientific achievements

  Three scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences received the "Marin Drinov" honorary medal on a ribbon at a solemn assembly on the occasion of the National Enlighteners Day. The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, presented the awards. Prof. Pepka Boyadjieva received the award for high scientific achievements in the field of sociology of education. Prof. Vladko Murdarov was awarded for his significant contributions in the field of Bulgarian and Slavic linguistics. Prof. Neli Koseva was awarded for her multifaceted public, organizational and expert activities and for her significant contribution to raising the prestige of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as well as Bulgarian science at home and abroad. The Vice President of the Academy Corr. Memb. Evdokiya Pasheva [...]

2023-11-06T10:17:19+02:00Wednesday, 1 November 2023|Categories: General Academic News, General news, Selected|

Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Albania

The President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, and the President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania Academician Skënder Gjinushi signed today at BAS an agreement on scientific cooperation between the two academies. The document provides for the participation of researchers in joint projects, conferences, as well as the exchange of scientists. A delegation from the Academy of Sciences of Albania is on a four-day visit to Sofia. The program of the scientists included a meeting with the Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov. The Academy of Sciences of Albania was founded in 1972 and is the most important scientific organisation in the country. Scientific research conducted by the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Albania deals [...]

2023-11-06T10:14:39+02:00Monday, 30 October 2023|Categories: Selected|

The prehistoric complex Provadia-Solnitsata impressed the European Parliament

An exhibition dedicated to the prehistoric complex of Provadia-Solnitsata impressed the European Parliament with scientific discoveries about human life at the dawn of European civilization. The exposition is organized with the assistance of the Bulgarian MEP from EPP/GERB Emil Radev and in partnership with the archaeological team under the leadership of Acad. Vassil Nikolov, the National Archaeological Institute and Museum of BAS and the Historical Museum in Provadia. At the opening of the exhibition greetings were given by the host of the event Emil Radev, the Bulgarian EU Commissioner Iliana Ivanova, the Vice-Chair of the EP Committee on Culture and Education Michaela Šojdrová. Especially for the exhibition arrived the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS. Among the dignitaries [...]

Order of “Saints Cyril and Methodius” First Degree was awarded to Corr. Memb. Stefan Hadjitodorov

President Rumen Radev awarded Corresponding Member Stefan Hadjitodorov with the Order of “Sts. Cyril and Methodius" First Degree at a ceremony held in the Coat of Arms Hall at 2, Dondukov Str. The high state award is for his great services in the field of science. The research interests of Corr. Memb. Hadjitodorov are focused in the areas of data analysis, image recognition, statistical and fuzzy methods for recognition and classification, neural networks, two-level classifiers, speech signal analysis, applications of image recognition theory in medicine, national security and defense problems. He has participated in 65 scientific projects and contracts funded by the Framework and other programmes of the European Union, the Bulgarian National Science Fund, various ministries and departments in Bulgaria and abroad. He has [...]

2023-10-27T10:00:39+03:00Tuesday, 24 October 2023|Categories: Selected|

BAS and Institut Curie discussed the construction of BioMedRTC

The Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Corr. Memb. Evdokiya Pasheva, and the Scientific Secretary of the "Biomedicine and Quality of Life" division, Corr. Memb. Nina Atanasova, met with Dorthe Nickel, member of the management of Institut Curie, Paris, an International Relations Officer. The meeting was held at BAS in connection with the establishment of BioMedRTC - Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Research and Technology. The Institut Curie is a world-renowned research institute founded in 1909 by Marie and Pierre Curie. The Institute is a leader in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The Curie Institute is a leading European centre for breast cancer treatment and one of the most prestigious in France devoted to research on the cellular mechanisms [...]

The building of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences won the Golden Facade Award

The renovation of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences building in Sofia won the Golden Facade prize in the "Renovation of Historical Buildings" category in the eighteenth “Facade of the Year 2022-2023” competition of “Baumit Bulgaria”. The investor Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the person of the President Prof. Julian Revalski, the designers arch. Milena Krachanova, restorer Aglika Ikonomova, eng. Marian Valchev and Rosen Yovchev and the contractor “EM Building 2020” association. Thank you to the team of designers and contractors who have restored the splendour of this exceptional building in the centre of Sofia, the first stage of which dates back to the 19th century and whose existence I believe you all know is an inevitable part of Bulgaria's post-liberation history, said in his words [...]

2023-10-23T10:22:07+03:00Friday, 20 October 2023|Categories: Selected|
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