Awarded participants in the tenth high-school students’ scientific session

On December 2, the tenth edition of one of the Academy's educational initiatives aimed at students and teachers was opened - the High-School-Students’ Institute of BAS. The scientific competition session this year attracted participants from 29 schools and 17 cities in the country. The President of BAS opened the scientific forum by welcoming the participants of the session and encouraged the young people to be bold and active in their search for knowledge and communication with the scientific community. Prof. Revalski, Member of the Academy, expressed satisfaction with the level of the projects submitted for participation and the successful collaboration of scientists from the Academy's institutes with teachers and students from the country. Acad. Petar Kenderov, Head of HSSI-BAS, congratulated the participants in the tenth [...]

2023-12-05T09:36:21+02:00Monday, 4 December 2023|Categories: General news, Selected|

Two researchers from BAS with awards “For Women in Science”

  Dr. Nikoleta Kircheva and Dr. Rosita Kokotanekova from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences were awarded among more than 30 candidates who participated in the competition of the national programme "For Women in Science". The awards were presented at a ceremony at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski”. Dr. Nikoleta Kircheva is a senior assistant professor at the Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies (IOMT) and a member of the Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling group. Her winning project is in the field of chemistry and is entitled "Development of alternative antibiotic therapy with a focus on metals with antibacterial activity: Ag+/Ga3+/Ga-PPIX as an innovative treatment". Her research focuses on the study of competition between metals in biological and biomimetic systems, with applications in the food, [...]

2023-12-01T11:56:15+02:00Wednesday, 29 November 2023|Categories: General news, Selected|

BAS honoured the Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum with an honorary plaquette on the occasion of its 70th anniversary

  The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences honoured the Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with a Museum (IEMPAM) with a GOLDEN honorary plaquette at a solemn ceremony held at the “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall. The award is for outstanding contributions to scientific and applied research in the field of experimental morphology and pathology, anthropology and museum studies. On behalf of the leadership of the Academy, the Vice-President Corr. Memb. Evdokiya Pasheva presented the plaquette to the Director of the Institute Prof. Dr. Svetlozara Petkova. Your institute occupies one of the leading places in the field of biomedicine, emphasized in her address Corr. Memb. Pasheva. She wished more young people to be attracted by the institute in the coming years. The activities and successes of [...]

2023-12-01T11:54:25+02:00Tuesday, 28 November 2023|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life, Selected|Tags: |

A delegation from BAS visited CERN

A delegation from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, led by the President Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS, visited from 22 to 24 November the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva.  The delegation included Prof. Neli Koseva - Scientific Secretary-General of BAS, Assoc. Prof. Ivan Georgiev - Scientific Secretary of the “Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies” division of BAS and Prof. Dimitar Tonev - Director of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy.  During the visit, the Bulgarian delegation met with the Director-General of the Organization, Professor Fabiola Gianotti, the Director for International Relations Charlotte Warakaulle, and the Head of Member State Relations Peter Chochula. Prospects for the involvement of scientists of BAS in future research in the fields of high [...]

The activities of Bulgarian scientists in European projects and valuable archival publications were presented by BAS to Commissioner Iliana Ivanova

   The participation of scientific units of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in large-scale international projects was discussed at a meeting of representatives of the Academy with the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Iliana Ivanova. The Secretary General of BAS Prof. Neli Koseva presented an update on the results of the multilateral activities of the scientists, the implementation of projects both under the Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation of the European Union as well as funded from national sources. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is actively involved in scientific capacity building, coordinating 23 out of 51 infrastructure sites under the National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure. The number of scientific publications has been steadily increasing over the last two years, said [...]

2023-11-20T15:55:40+02:00Friday, 17 November 2023|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Open Days on Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Institute of Robotics of BAS

  New laboratory for experimental surgical robotics A scientific session on the future of minimally invasive surgery with the participation of leading scientists was held at the Institute of Robotics of BAS. The event is part of the Open Days initiative, which took place on 6 and 7 November and was organized by the management team of the Centre of Competence at the Medical University - Pleven. Acad. Chavdar Roumenin from the Institute of Robotics of BAS opened the session by stressing that the territory of innovation - this is medicine which is perhaps the most intensively developing field. He presented the joint research activities of the project and the partnership between the institute and the medical universities in Pleven and Varna. Acad. Grigor Gorchev, [...]

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