Dr. Hiroshi Yamakawa: After 2030, artificial intelligence will outgrow the human

Artificial Intelligence is an extremely fast-growing field of science and the world-wide competition for its development and application is highly controversial. The US and China are likely to remain leaders in the development of artificial intelligence. This was what Dr. Hiroshi Yamakawa, director of the Dwango Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Tokyo said during his lecture at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. According to him, after 2030, artificial intelligence will develop to such an extent that it will outweigh human intelligence in many respects, participate actively in industry and interfere even in human preferences. Dr. Hiroshi Yamakawa is one of the leading Japanese researchers in the field of artificial intelligence. His professional interests are in the field of neural networks and intelligent control. The lecture of [...]

2019-04-15T13:49:12+03:00Wednesday, 27 February 2019|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Scientists from BAS and higher education institutions are developing new methods for using and storing clean energy

The National Scientific Program "Low Carbon Energy for Transport and Households" (E +) was presented on 8 February in "Prof. Marin Drinov" Hall of BAS. The program is financed by the Ministry of Education and Science and will be implemented for three years, announced its Head, corr.-mem. Konstantin Hadjivanov. He added that the research potential of seven universities and eight institutes of BAS has been included, providing conditions for the integrated implementation of scientific research, and applied and demonstration activities for the development and introduction of new technologies related to renewable energy and decarbonisation of economy. The municipalities of Ruse, Varna, Bourgas, Blagoevgrad and Sofia are invited as associate partners of the scientific organizations. The National Program comprises three main components: Renewable Energy Storage and [...]

2019-04-15T13:41:09+03:00Friday, 8 February 2019|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency, Selected|

First international science forum of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO)

The President of BAS, Acad. Julian Revalski, participated in the first international science forum of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) in the Belt and Road Region which took place from 3 to 5 November in Beijing. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is among the Academies founding members of ANSO. The Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) is an international, non-profit and non-governmental scientific organization jointly created by the Chinese Academy of Sciences with major national, regional and international scientific and research institutions in the “Belt and Road” Region. ANSO is committed to regional sustainable development, academic capacity building, S&T innovation cooperation and communication, and technology transfer by uniting scientific organizations and scientists in the “Belt and Road” Region. ANSO focuses on major, daunting [...]

General Assembly of the Federation of All European Academies (ALLEA) 2018

The General Assembly of the Federation of All European Academies (ALLEA) 2018 will be held on 16 and 17 May 2018 in BAS. It will be held in parallel with a scientific symposium on Science in Times of Challenged Trust and Expertise under the SAPEA project Shaping European Science Advice: Insights and Experiences. At a ceremony on May 16th, Bulgarian commissioner Mariya Gabriel will confer the prestigious Madame de Staël Prize 2018 which is annually awarded by ALLEA for contributions to Europe’s cultural values ​​and to the idea of ​​European integration. Laureate of the 2018 award is Professor Andrea Pető of the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. […]

2019-07-16T17:01:26+03:00Wednesday, 11 April 2018|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|Tags: |

BAS and CNRS have renewed the Agreement on scientific cooperation

The Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France, was renewed on 27 March 2018 in Paris. Academician Julian Revalski, President of BAS, and CNRS President and CEO Antoine Petit signed the document. The French National Center for Scientific Research is one of the most important research institutions in the world. To meet the great challenges of the present and the future, its scientists explore the living, the matter, the universe and the functioning of human societies. Internationally recognized for excellence, CNRS correlates equally well with both the R&D universe and the wider audience.

2019-01-18T16:53:09+02:00Tuesday, 10 April 2018|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

The first international master class of CERN was held in Bulgaria

Bulgarian students participated in the first international master class of CERN in Bulgaria. The event was organized by the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy together with CERN and the Faculty of Physics of Sofia University as well as with the support of OSOS (Open Schools for Open Society) project under the European program Horizon 2020 for research and innovation. […]

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