Scientist from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of BAS with an award in the competition “For Women in Science”

Dr. Mariya Dzhumalieva-Stoeva is one of this year's winners of the national scholarship "For Women in Science" for Bulgaria. The prestigious award was presented to her by Vice President Iliana Iotova at an awards ceremony held in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Dr. Dzhumalieva-Stoeva's is a postdoctoral student at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of BAS under the National Program "Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Students" funded by the Ministry of Education and Science as well as Chief Assistant Professor of Computer Science at “St. Cyril and St. Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo. Her research focuses on coding theory and the study and classification of certain types of codes that are directly applicable to the protection of information, both from tampering and unauthorized access. "If [...]

2019-11-27T03:28:56+02:00Wednesday, 20 November 2019|Categories: Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies, Selected|

Scientists study changes in human cells through the super resolution of Andor Dragonfly

Center for Advanced Microscopy for basic and applied research in biology, medicine and biotechnology was opened at the Institute of Molecular Biology of BAS (IMB-BAS). The Center is part of the Euro-BioImaging Consortium (, in which 14 European countries participate. The confocal microscope system Andor Dragonfly which is among the most advanced combined microscopic observation systems for the study of living cells by super-resolution was presented at the opening. The event was attended by the Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Karina Angelieva, the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, the Scientific Secretary of BAS of division “Biomedicine and Quality of Life” Prof. Nina Atanassova, scientists and journalists. Assoc. Prof. Stoyno Stoynov of [...]

2019-11-19T18:05:35+02:00Friday, 15 November 2019|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life, Selected|

Remains of a new hominid from Germany (more than 11.5 million years old) change our views on the evolution of great apes and humans

Artists reconstruction by Velizar Simeonovski of male Danuvius guggenmosi The discovery of a 11.62 Million-year-old ape skeleton in Germany now fundamentally changes our views on the early evolution of the human family. These spectacular finds are announced by an international group of scientists from Germany, Canada, Bulgaria and the US in the journal NATURЕ (URL: DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1731-0) The fossils of the newly described genus and species Danuvius guggenmosi (Genus name after the Celtic-roman river god Danuvius, associated with the Danube river) were discovered between 2015 and 2018 by Madelaine Böhme and her team from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment and Tübingen University, in the active clay pit of Hammerschmiede near Pforzen in the Allgäu area of Bavaria. The paleontological excavations [...]

2019-11-12T13:44:03+02:00Thursday, 7 November 2019|Categories: Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology, Selected|

BAS awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa honorary title to Dr. Nat Gopalswamy

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa honorary title to Dr. Nat Gopalswamy of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The title is awarded for his achievements in the field of solar and solar-terrestrial physics. The solemn ceremony was held in “Prof. Marin Drinov” hall at BAS. Dr. Nat Gopalswamy is one of the most eminent astrophysicists in the world. His research is dedicated to the occurrence of Sun events with an effect on the Earth and is of great practical application. With these words the President of the Academy, Prof. Julian Revalski, member of BAS, presented the scientist. Dr. Gopalswamy works in close collaboration with scientists from the Space Research and Technology Institute of BAS in the field of space weather. His [...]

2019-11-07T15:53:51+02:00Tuesday, 5 November 2019|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

BAS awarded young scientists on the Day of the National Revival Leaders

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences marked the Day of the National Revival Leaders (also called the Day of Enlighteners) – 1 of November with a solemn joint celebration of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members (AACM) and the General Assembly (GA) of BAS. Seventeen young scientists - winners in the competition for young scientists "Prof. Marin Drinov" and for the youngest scientists "Acad. Ivan E. Geshov” were awarded by the General Assembly of BAS. The Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev and the Chairman of GA of BAS Prof. Evelina Slavcheva handed in the awards at the celebration. The competition for young and youngest scientists "Ivan Evstratiev Geshov" is held every two years on the proposal of the Commission for Young Scientists to [...]

2019-11-03T16:40:22+02:00Friday, 1 November 2019|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Regional development and success factors discussed at a scientific conference

Regional Development and Success Factors: Education, Economy and Social Policy in the Regions is the topic of the conference held today at Grand Hotel Sofia. The Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge (ISSK) of BAS in cooperation with the “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation Office in Sofia is organizing for the seventh consecutive year the scientific event which this year is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of BAS. […]

2019-10-29T15:07:33+02:00Friday, 25 October 2019|Categories: Man and Society, Selected|Tags: |
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