Donation campaign of AACM in support of children and young people

The Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (AACM - BAS) donated BGN 35 000 collected personal funds to the Social Protection Fund. The amount will be used to purchase mobile devices - tablets to support the educational process of children and young people housed in family-type accommodation centers across the country. AACM-BAS conducts donation campaigns every year. In 2020, the academicians and corresponding members of BAS decided to use the funds raised to overcome the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020-05-05T12:52:58+03:00Monday, 4 May 2020|Categories: AACM, Selected|

Cyber risks, threats and security measures related to COVID-19

The ten most current risks and threats of techno-social type related to COVID-19 for 2020 are analyzed by scientists at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of BAS (IICT). Practical protective measures are also proposed. Summarized data from the analysis of Assoc. Prof. Zlatogor Minchev and Assistant Professor Ivan Gaydarski of the “Information Technologies for Security” department of IICT-BAS give current priority to threats and risks related to attacks on key online services and vulnerabilities in the Home Office working organization. Other important ones at the moment are: phishing threats and malware attacks. Growth in significance, but to a lesser extent, is also expected in terms of crypto-virus attacks, vulnerabilities in popular applications, robocall scams, fake applications and news, gray-market scams and malicious domains. [...]

2020-05-03T19:49:35+03:00Thursday, 30 April 2020|Categories: Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies, Selected|

New clinical evidence confirms the hypothesis of scientists of BAS for the role of NLRP3 inflammasome in the pathogenesis of complications in COVID-19

The role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in the pathogenesis of complications in COVID-19 Studies launched in 2010 by scientists at the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBIR-BAS) suggest that it is the overreaction of a protein complex called the NLRP3 inflammasome that underlies the severe complications with COVID-19. The inflammasome is a molecular sensor in cells that responds to a meeting with a pathogen and / or cellular damage resulting in the release of inflammatory signals, and a particular type of cell death, pyroptosis, can occur. In doing so, the cells burst and release a huge amount of inflammation and danger signals to which neighboring tissue cells and cells of the immune system respond. Normally, [...]

2020-04-29T18:08:54+03:00Wednesday, 29 April 2020|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life, Selected|

BAS – Culture and Education Online

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences provides online access to its latest projects in the field of culture and education under the motto "Learn something new while at home". On the eve of Easter, you can visit virtual archeological exhibitions, multimedia libraries and scientific collections, get acquainted with artifacts from museum funds and scientific units, read books and encyclopedias, watch movies and video lectures or play online. The materials are in the field of Bulgarian language, literature, Balkan studies, Thracology, history, ethnology, folklore, arts, archaeology, Cyrillo-Methodian studies, museology. Scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences wish you a bright Easter, lots of health, peace and faith! National Archaeological Institute with Museum Digital exhibitions on the website of NAIM at BAS: Archaeological Exhibition Catalogues Online [...]

2020-04-21T18:47:22+03:00Tuesday, 21 April 2020|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity, Selected|

Three jubilee editions for the 150th anniversary of BAS with free access

On the occasion of the bright Easter holidays and the unusual conditions in which we are welcoming them, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences makes freely available the three jubilee editions, prepared on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Academy. "The Building of BAS: a Symbol of Knowledge and Spirituality", "Donations and Benefactors of BAS 1869 – 2019. In the Foundations of Bulgarian Science" and "A Brief History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences" would be a fascinating read for the days spent at home, as the books are full of curious and unknown facts, richly illustrated with photographs of distinguished figures, capturing important moments of Bulgarian history, facsimiles and documents. The first book is dedicated to the history of the central building of [...]

2020-04-21T18:42:04+03:00Thursday, 16 April 2020|Categories: Cultural-historical Heritage and National Identity, Selected|

Scientists of BAS are assisting the Virology Laboratory at the University Multidisciplinary Hospital for Active Treatment and Emergency Medicine “Pirogov”

Scientists from the Institute of Molecular Biology of BAS are assisting the work of the newly opened Virology Laboratory at UMHATEM “N.I.Pirogov”, specially equipped for the diagnosis of COVID-19. The team is involved in the effective development of the laboratory, providing its research experience and knowledge in the field of virology. Scientists will work with their colleagues at the hospital on a daily basis in all stages of processing samples for the presence of coronavirus. In addition to researchers already in the lab, the Institute of Molecular Biology is also ready to provide more specialists. The team leader is Prof. Iva Ugrinova, Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology.

2020-04-09T16:28:00+03:00Wednesday, 8 April 2020|Categories: Biomedicine and Quality of Life, Selected|
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