BAS with the largest number of publications in the Scopus database

This is a list of the five Bulgarian scientific institutions with the largest number of publications in the Scopus database for the period 2017-2019. Together, these institutions represent 72.4% of all Bulgarian publications in the Scopus database.   Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - BAS Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Technical University of Sofia Medical University Sofia University Hospital Alexandrovska     #Scopus is the largest database of abstracts and citations of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Scopus provides a comprehensive overview of the results of global research in science, technology, medicine, social sciences and the arts and humanities, with intelligent tools for tracking, analysing and visualising research.  

2021-01-05T10:29:30+02:00Monday, 4 January 2021|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Scientists from the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry with a scientific publication in one of the most prestigious journals in the field of chemistry

A team of Bulgarian scientists from the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences published a review article in the prestigious journal Chemical Reviews. The journal is published by the American Chemical Society and is one of the most renowned journals which tops the rankings in the field of chemistry. For 2019, the impact factor of the journal is 52,758. […]

2020-12-18T10:23:38+02:00Thursday, 17 December 2020|Categories: Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies, Selected|

The book “On the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia” is published in English

The publication “On the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia” is already available in English. You can download it HERE. The book includes a scientifically substantiated text on the topic of the official language of the Republic of North Macedonia, written in a popular language and intended for a wide range of readers, which BAS has published in an illustrated edition. The authors are scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and three universities: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo and South-West University “Neofit Rilski”- Blagoevgrad. […]

2020-12-10T21:42:35+02:00Thursday, 10 December 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

The Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory will have a new robotic telescope

The Institute of Astronomy with National Astronomical Observatory (IA with NAO) has signed a contract for the production, supply and installation of a new telescope at Rozhen NAO. The new telescope will have a main mirror with a diameter of 1.5 meters, Richie-Chrétien optical system and will be manufactured by the Austrian company ASA Astrosysteme Ltd, which won the announced public tender for it. The contract also envisages the construction of an observation tower with a dome, in which the telescope will be installed. The telescope will be fully robotic and remotely controlled and will perform the set program for astronomical observations without human intervention while observing the weather conditions. An automated meteorological station is provided for it, which will monitor the strength and direction [...]

2020-12-08T13:34:09+02:00Monday, 7 December 2020|Categories: Astronomy, Space Research and Technologies, Selected|

The President of BAS has been elected Vice-President of EASAC

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, was elected Vice-President of EASAC for a term of office 2021-2023. The European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) is formed by the national scientific academies of the EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland. Through EASAC, academies work together to provide independent, expert, evidence-based advice on the scientific aspects of European policies to those who make or influence policy within the European institutions. Prof. Revalski participated in a virtual meeting of EASAC on 26 and 27 November. The activities of the organisation during the last six months, the project proposal "Regenerative Agriculture", the new document of the organisation "Transformative Change" were discussed and a SAPEA project report was presented. The activities of the member [...]

2020-12-03T10:41:44+02:00Wednesday, 2 December 2020|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|
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