Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS, and Minister Nikolai Denkov opened the celebrations on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Paisii

The name of Paisii Hilendarski undoubtedly stands at the top of the list of national Revival leaders, who skillfully used his knowledge of the past to put sharply on the agenda of society the tasks of the present and to outline the prospects for the future. With these words, the President of BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, opened the conference "In the Beginning was History" in Bansko and gave a start to the celebrations on the occasion of 300 years since the birth of Paisii and 260 years since the writing of “Istoria Slavenobolgarskaya" (History of Slavo-Bulgarians). These two anniversaries are a wonderful occasion to turn once again, with the power of impartial scientific studies, to the dawn of that epoch [...]

The best young scientists of BAS received awards at a solemn assembly on 24 May

The best young scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences were honored at a solemn assembly on the occasion of 24 May, which was held today in “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall of BAS. The President of the National Assembly Nikola Minchev presented the awards to the winners of the competition for young scientists "Professor Marin Drinov" and the competition for the youngest scientists "Ivan Evstratiev Geshov". For their achievements in the past year, 25 researchers from nine scientific divisions received the two awards. A full list of the winners can be found here. In his address, Nikola Minchev assured the audience that as the President of the National Assembly he feels personally committed to the cause of young Bulgarian scientists to have the opportunity to [...]

2022-05-27T14:47:04+03:00Monday, 23 May 2022|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Prototypes and scientific developments shown at the Science for Business Forum

Developments with the potential to become a successful business were demonstrated by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences during the second edition of the Science for Business Forum, which took place today at Sofia Tech Park. The event was opened by the Minister of Innovation and Growth Daniel Lorer and the Minister of Education and Science Acad. Nikolai Denkov. According to Minister Lorer, the forum will contribute to business looking for Bulgarian science to create products and on the other hand - Bulgarian science to be bolder. Minister Denkov announced that the aim of this forum is to put innovation first. It is important for Bulgarian scientists not only to create new knowledge but also to look for its useful effect, he added. The President of [...]

2022-05-23T09:15:30+03:00Thursday, 19 May 2022|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Two young scientists with awards from Sofia Electrochemical Days SED`22

Research Assistant Dr. Krum Banov and Senior Assistant Dr. Borislava Mladenova from IEES-BAS are the winners of the competition for young scientists, which was held within Sofia Electrochemical Days SED `22. Krum Banov won the award for the best oral presentation and Borislava Mladenova made the best poster presentation. The prizes were awarded by the chairman of the international jury Prof. DSc Eng.  Martin Bojinov from UCTM-Sofia. The two young scientists received award plaques, diplomas from IEES-BAS and a one-time financial incentive from UCTM-Sofia. Sofia Electrochemical Days SED`22 were opened on 11 May by the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy. In his speech, he recalled the necessity of holding conferences to share knowledge between more experienced and young colleagues [...]

2022-05-18T15:37:39+03:00Sunday, 15 May 2022|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency, Selected|

The newly elected members of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members received their diplomas

The diplomas of the new members of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (AACM) were awarded at an official ceremony held in “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall. Twenty academicians and 14 corresponding members were elected in a competition at the end of last year. The election of the new members of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members was difficult but also very successful, said the President of BAS and AACM Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy. He recalled that for the first time in the history of the Academy, three scientists under the age of 50 were elected as corresponding members. The President of BAS congratulated the newly elected members of AACM and urged them to [...]

2022-05-03T09:31:21+03:00Thursday, 28 April 2022|Categories: General news, Selected|

Bulgarian achievements in space science

Demonstrations with drones and on a stationary training simulator were made by scientists from the Space Research and Technology Institute (SRTI) in the Open Day on the occasion of the International Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics – 12 April. The researchers gave lectures on new space research projects and talked about Bulgarian achievements at the Institute. Original Bulgarian equipment is working on the International Space Station. An example is the space radiation instrument, the LIULIN-SET dosimeter, and in the near future a dosimeter of the LIULIN series is expected to transmit specific information from the very surface of Mars.   There is an anniversary exhibition which shows visitors the spacesuit of the pilot-cosmonaut Alexander Alexandrov, the first Bulgarian instrument "P-1", as well as many other [...]

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