Bulgarian participation in the world’s first NEMO BMI project

The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of BAS (IICT) is a partner in the NEMO BMI project: 'Auto-adaptive neuromorphic Brain-Machine Interface', funded by the European Innovation Council. The project is related to the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare. This was announced at BAS by world-renowned scientist Prof. Nikola Kasabov, who is a guest professor at the Institute and participates in the project. Scientists from the institute, part of an international consortium, are starting work on the creation of a decoder for brain signals, Prof. Kasabov said. He gave a lecture on neuroinformatics, neural networks and neurocomputing (NNN) and presented new developments and applications in this field. Neural networks are applied in data processing in almost all fields of science, Prof. Kasabov said. He [...]

2022-12-01T15:16:18+02:00Tuesday, 18 October 2022|Categories: Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies, Selected|

New NMR laboratory studies medicinal and aromatic plants

A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR Spectroscopy) Laboratory, with equipment funded by the Centre of Competence project "Sustainable Utilization of Bioresources and Waste from Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Innovative Bioactive Products", Operational Programme SESG, was opened today at the Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry of BAS. The laboratory is part of the Centre for NMR Spectroscopy at IOCCP-BAS. The unique for the country and the region scientific equipment will contribute to the expansion of opportunities for research and innovation in the fields of chemistry, phytochemistry, materials science and life sciences, said the head of the NMR Spectroscopy Laboratory Prof. Pavleta Shestakova. She added that for the last three years the laboratory team has participated in a total of 16 projects, has [...]

2022-11-03T15:43:13+02:00Thursday, 13 October 2022|Categories: General news, Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies, Selected|

153 years Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences celebrated 153 years since its establishment with a solemn assembly in “Prof. Marin Drinov" Hall of the Academy. With confidence we can say that in the world research area BAS occupies a worthy place with its fundamental and scientific-applied achievements which set new models for innovative development, said in his address for the celebration the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy. According to the world databases Scopus and Web of Science, nearly 40% of the refereed scientific articles of Bulgarian scientists in 2021 are published by researchers from BAS, said Prof. Revalski and announced that the h-index of the Academy is 223. The President also pointed out that 47 patents and 25 utility models were [...]

2022-11-03T15:40:28+02:00Wednesday, 12 October 2022|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|

Fifty-two scientists of BAS are among the top 2% best scientists in the world

Fifty-two scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences are included in the top 2% of Stanford University's ranking of their impact on the development of global science in the past year 2021. Forty-five scientists from BAS appear in the prestigious ranking based on an assessment of their entire body of work, and the scientific articles of seven additional scientists received high marks in 2021. The complex analysis includes information on the number of citations, H-index, co-authorship-adjusted Hm-index, citations of articles at different authorship positions, etc. The ranking groups all researchers in 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields. https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4   A list of researchers can be found here.

2022-11-03T15:35:54+02:00Wednesday, 12 October 2022|Categories: General news, Selected|

New generation of batteries being developed by scientists of BAS

A demonstration pilot installation for advanced production of gas diffusion electrodes for metal-air batteries, being built at the Institute of Electrochemistry and Power Systems of BAS (IEES-BAS), was presented for the first time at the Sofia Science Festival 2022. Scientists at the institute are developing zinc-air, magnesium-air and lead-air batteries, with efforts focused on improving rechargeable metal-hydride-air batteries. The advantages of these batteries for stationary applications, including renewable energy storage, are low weight, low cost, safety in operation and the use of environmentally friendly materials. In addition to stationary applications, they can also be used as batteries in hybrid vehicles as they are lighter and have a higher capacity than the nickel-metal hydride batteries currently used. This fact is due to the unlimited capacity of [...]

2022-11-03T15:31:44+02:00Tuesday, 11 October 2022|Categories: Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency, Selected|

Sofia Science Festival

Scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences took part in the Sofia Science Festival, which was held on 8 and 9 October in Sofia Tech Park. Among the highlights of the programme were lectures by the winners of the Pythagoras Prize for Contribution to Science of the Ministry of Education and Science. Prof. Pavlina Dolashka Prof. Dr. Margarita Popova (Scientific Secretary of division “Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies”) presented original scientific approaches in the field of nanomaterials, which allow the preparation of new materials with a variety of predefined characteristics. Their applications range from the development of innovative drug systems to the search for new alternative energy sources, the synthesis of valuable chemical compounds, to the creation of sustainable and waste-free technologies for [...]

2022-11-03T15:28:51+02:00Tuesday, 11 October 2022|Categories: General Academic News, Selected|
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