European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel visited BAS

  On the occasion of 24 May in the European Parliament BAS and European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel will present an exhibition on Paisius of Hilendar and the book "Bulgarian Alphabets" The European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel met on 30 March at BAS with the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS. The meeting was attended by the Vice President of the Academy Corr. Mem. Stefan Hadjitodorov, the Chief Scientific Secretary Prof. Neli Koseva and the Scientific Secretary of division "Cultural and Historical Heritage and National Identity" Assoc. Prof. Elka Traykova. Prof. Revalski introduced European Commissioner Gabriel with the structure of BAS and the main scientific areas of work. The projects of the [...]

2023-04-03T10:07:37+03:00Thursday, 30 March 2023|Categories: Selected|

Goals and objectives of the National Scientific Programme “Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad”

On March 6, 2023, in the Bulgarian News Agency Press Club, the Executive Board of the National Scientific Programme "Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad" presented the goals and objectives of the Programme. The coordinator of the Programme is the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and the partners are the leading centers in Bulgarian studies issues - Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski", "St. Cyril and St. Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo, "Neofit Rilski" South-West University, "Konstantin Preslavsky" University of Shumen and the institutes of BAS in division "Cultural and Historical Heritage and National Identity". In the press conference on the topic members of the Executive Board of the Programme took part: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elka Traykova, National Coordinator and Scientific Secretary [...]

Exhibition “150 years since the death of Vasil Levski. Places of memory (1873 – 1933)”

Exhibition "150 years since the death of Vasil Levski. Places of Memory (1873 - 1933)" is on display at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from 16 to 28 February in the Central Building of BAS (1, 15th November Street). The exhibition has been prepared by the Institute for Historical Studies and the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and is part of a National Programme adopted by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria to commemorate this significant anniversary. It is a sign of the Academy's profound respect for the personality and work of one of the brightest persons in our national pantheon. The President of BAS Prof.  Julian Revalski, Full Member of the Academy, opened the exhibition. Deputy Minister [...]

Exhibition “Bulgarian Archaeology 2022” presents NAIM-BAS

  The National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NAIM at BAS) presents the national archaeological exhibition "Bulgarian Archaeology 2022", which can be visited until 21 May 2023 in the temporary exhibition hall of NAIM (1, Atanas Burov Square). For the sixteenth consecutive time, the exhibition shows the most interesting finds and rich illustrative material from the fieldwork of Bulgarian archaeologists in the previous year.  Posters for 53 archaeological projects are presented as an important part of the exhibition. The exhibition presents more than 300 exhibits from 30 sites illustrating the development of cultures in today's Bulgarian lands from the Neolithic (6000 years BC) to the Middle Ages. Among them are the ongoing studies of the prehistoric settlement mounds of Provadia, [...]

QUASAR Centre announces the launch of the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure Plan of Bulgaria

The construction of the first of its kind quantum communication network in Bulgaria was officially launched on 10 February. It is implemented within the European initiative EuroQCI - European Platform for Quantum Communication Infrastructure. The initiative is aimed at building a unified quantum-communication network across the European Union, with Brussels aiming to ensure cybersecurity and communication sovereignty. The advanced computing capabilities of quantum computers make standard cyber defence increasingly difficult. It is for this reason that in 2020 the European Commission launched the EuroQCI Initiative, in which the Member States of the European Union participate. Eventually, all networks should be brought together into a single European network through interconnections. In Bulgaria, the construction of EuroQCI will be coordinated by the National Centre for Quantum Communication, [...]

Groundbreaking of a laboratory complex at Geo Milev Campus

With a symbolic "first groundbreaking" on "Acad. G. Bonchev" Str., which is about to be renovated, in front of Block 29, the foundations of the Laboratory Complex at the “Geo Milev” Campus were laid. The event was attended by Mr. Atanas Pekanov - caretaker Deputy Prime Minister for EU funds management, Prof. Sasho Penov - caretaker Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Julian Revalski, Full Member of BAS - President of the Academy, Ms. Agnes Monfret - Head of Unit DG Regional and Urban Policy at the European Commission, Ms. Elizabet Kirkorova - Expert at DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, Mr. Ivan Popov - Deputy Head of Executive Agency “Programme Education”, Mr. Georgi Iliev - Mayor of Slatina district, members of the Team [...]

2023-02-10T11:10:53+02:00Wednesday, 8 February 2023|Categories: Selected|
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