HYDROGEN ENERGY – the second in the series of training courses of IEES-BAS under the Green Skills for Hydrogen programme
A team of scientists from the “Acad. Evgeni Budevski” Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems at BAS (IEES-BAS) headed by the President of BAS Corr. Memb. Evelina Slavcheva, DSc, started the second of a series of training courses under the Green Skills for Hydrogen project. The start of the training sessions was given on 24 March with a welcome address by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nedelina Kostadinova, Secretary General of Trakia University, Stara Zagora. On behalf of the hosts and especially on behalf of the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Dobri Yarkov, she congratulated the participants for their decision to join this key course on hydrogen energy and expressed her confidence that all present in the room were part or would be part of the [...]