XX National Symposium “Polymers 2022” with international participation

Photo of Konstans Ruseva with the first prize for the best poster in the 20th National Symposium POLYMERS 2022 From 5 to 8 July 2022, XX National Symposium "Polymers 2022" with international participation was held in the city of Velingrad. Started in the distant 1967, the forum has established itself as the most significant event in the field of polymer science in Bulgaria for dissemination of scientific results, exchange of ideas and development of collaborations between Bulgarian and foreign scientists. Photo of Erik Dimitrov with the first prize for the best poster in the 20th National Symposium POLYMERS 2022 The “Polymers 2022” Symposium is organised by the Institute of Polymers at BAS, with the cooperation of SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the [...]

2022-07-21T14:13:39+03:00Thursday, 21 July 2022|Categories: Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies|

Bulgarian study proves the influence of gamma irradiation on the antioxidant activity of bee products

How gamma irradiation affects the antioxidant activity of bee products is investigated by Sen. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ralitsa Mladenova from the Institute of Catalysis of BAS. The research, funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund, uses the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method. With this unique technology, paramagnetic particles (free radicals) can be selectively detected. In this way, food products and medicines that have undergone radiation treatment during sterilisation can be examined. Radiation treatment is used for the preservation and microbial decontamination of various food products, thus improving their safety and shelf life. Gamma irradiation with doses of up to 10 kGy has been shown to cause no changes in the nutritional quality of the product and no harm to the health of the consumers. EPR [...]

2022-07-18T09:29:21+03:00Friday, 15 July 2022|Categories: Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies|

Dr. Ivalina Trendafilova is the winner of the National Award “13 Centuries of Bulgaria” for Young Talents in Contemporary Art and Science 2022

The award ceremony of the National Prize "13 of Centuries Bulgaria" for young talents in contemporary art and science took place on 1 July 2022 in the Ballroom of the Palace - National Gallery. The Prize is awarded every two years by the National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries of Bulgaria" for innovative achievements and postgraduate studies in European higher education institutions. The distinction in the second edition of the competition was awarded to Dr. Ivalina Trendafilova. She obtained her PhD at the Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Namur, Belgium. The prize was awarded for her work in the field of novel porous nanomaterials with applications in medicine, [...]

2022-07-04T10:09:58+03:00Friday, 1 July 2022|Categories: Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies|

Awards for young scientists from BAS in Scientific Poster Session of UCTM

On June 17, 2022 at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy was held XIX Scientific Poster Session for Young Scientists, Doctoral Students and Students. This year's edition was attended by 120 young scientists, PhD students and students with 130 posters in 10 different scientific fields. With the opening of the scientific session, the prize was awarded in the National Competition "Outstanding Young Scientist in the Field of Organic Chemistry" named after Academician Ivan Juhnovski organized by the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM) and the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria. The winner of the award is MA eng. Victoria Ivanova from the Institute of Organic Chemistry with Center of Phytochemistry at BAS (IOCCP), a graduate of UCTM. Tribute was also paid to Prof. [...]

2022-06-22T09:58:10+03:00Monday, 20 June 2022|Categories: Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies|

A new approach in biomedical materials processing proposed by Bulgarian scientists

The "Academician Emil Djakov" Award for best scientific publication in 2021 in the field of radiophysics, physical and quantum electronics was presented at a ceremony at the Institute of Electronics of BAS. The Institute's Scientific Council awarded the prize to a team of researchers who made the greatest scientific breakthrough in the past year. Scientific team composed of Dr. Maria Ormanova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Valkov, Eng. Dimitar Dechev, Eng. Nikolay Ivanov, Dr. Stanislava Rabadzhiyska, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Nikolova and Prof. Dr. Peter Petrov were awarded for a series of publications on "Surface treatment of metals and alloys for applications in modern biomedicine". In recent years, research worldwide has focused on the development of new materials for the needs of modern biomedicine that are [...]

2022-06-07T12:38:55+03:00Monday, 6 June 2022|Categories: Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies|

MDPI Journal Award for Erik Dimitrov from the Institute for Polymers

Erik Dimitrov from the Institute of Polymers at BAS (student at the Medical University of Sofia) was awarded one of the three prizes for the best poster of the prestigious Polymers MDPI journal at the international conference “THE SILESIAN MEETINGS ON POLYMER MATERIALS POLYMAT 2022”, organised by the Center for Polymer and Carbon Materials at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS). The Forum was held in the city of Zabrze, Poland, on 17 March 2022, in memory of Prof. Andrzej Dworak, foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. […]

2022-03-28T12:25:54+03:00Friday, 25 March 2022|Categories: Nanosciences, New Materials and Technologies|
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