Institutes of BAS in the European consortium with the most advanced laser infrastructure in the world

On 2 July, a working meeting on "The Future of Extreme Light Research: Opportunities and Challenges for Bulgaria within ELI-ERIC" was held at the Conference Hall of the Institute of Solid State Physics of BAS. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science and the ELI-ERIC-BG consortium partners: the Institute of Electronics, the Institute of Solid State Physics of BAS and the Faculty of Physics of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski”. Guests of the forum were Acad. Nikolay Vitanov, Interim Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science, Prof. George Angelov, Interim Deputy Minister of Innovation and Growth and Mr. Allen Weeks, Director General of the "Extreme Light" European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ELI-ERIC). Acad. Vitanov opened the working meeting, stressing in [...]

Two teams from the Institute of Electronics with “Acad. Emil Djakov” award

Two research teams from the Institute of Electronics of BAS were awarded the "Acad. Emil Djakov" award for 2023.  The prize is awarded by the Scientific Council of the Institute every year for the best publication in reputable scientific journals. The awards were presented at a ceremony at the Institute of Electronics by the Director, Assoc. Prof. Tatyana Koutzarova. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Miglena Dimitrova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsviatko Popov and Sen. Asst. Prof. Dr. Pavlina Vladimirova, in collaboration with scientists from Slovenia, Spain and the Czech Republic, carried out research on the application of the Triple-probe technique in a magnetic field contributing to a more accurate determination of the electron temperature in plasma in a magnetic field. The Bulgarian team has major contributions to the [...]

“Distinguished Young Scientist in Organic Chemistry” Award for Erik Dimitrov

Erik Dimitrov from the Institute of Polymers of BAS is the winner of the "Outstanding Young Scientist in Organic Chemistry" award for 2024. The award was established by Acad. Ivan Juchnovski, and the official ceremony was held today at the UCTM - Sofia.  The award was presented by Prof. Venko Beshkov, Chairman of the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria. This year was the 8th edition of the competition. Erik Dimitrov's research is devoted to the development of novel nanostructured polymer carriers of drug substances based on spherical nucleic acids of polymer-oligonucleotide conjugates, micellar carriers of block copolymers and modified niosomes for systemic delivery of biologically active substances. The results were published in five papers in reputed international Q1 journals - Biomacromolecules, Pharmaceutics (2 issues), [...]

Fifteenth Scientific Session “Young Scientists in the World of Polymers”

  The fifteenth scientific session "Young Scientists in the World of Polymers", organized by the Institute of Polymers of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, was held on June 6. The forum is held annually in June and is attended by PhD students, post-docs, young scientists, interns and students interested in polymer science. The event is part of the Institute of Polymers’ activities to promote the scientific achievements of young researchers to the academic community, business and the general public. Three papers and 20 posters were presented by participants from the Institute of Polymers-BAS, the Institute of Chemical Engineering-BAS, the "Acad. Georgi Nadjakov" Institute of Solid State Physics-BAS, the "Stephan Angeloff" Institute of Microbiology-BAS, the "Acad. Evgeni Budevski" Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems-BAS, the Institute [...]

Celebration of the 45th Anniversary of the Central Laboratory of Applied Physics

 The solemn celebration on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Central Laboratory of Applied Physics (CLAP) of BAS was held on April 4 in Plovdiv. Honorary silver plaquette on behalf of the leadership and congratulatory address on behalf of the BAS President Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, was presented by the Vice-President of BAS Corr. Memb. Evdokia Pasheva. The Central Laboratory of Applied Physics participates in the implementation of many national projects together with universities and institutes of BAS. It is a welcome partner in international teams together with scientific organisations in Greece, Austria and Canada, the congratulatory address said. The Director of the Laboratory Prof. Lilyana Kolaklieva opened the event and introduced the attendees with the mission, [...]

Erik Dimitrov from the Institute of Polymers is the winner of the “Prof. Ivan Shopov” award for 2024

Ерик Димитров, проф. Венко Бешков (председател на СХБ) и проф. Иван Шопов Erik Dimitrov, Prof. Venko Beshkov (Chairman of the UChB) and Prof. Ivan Shopov Erik Dimitrov from the Institute of Polymers of BAS is awarded the "Outstanding Young Scientist in the field of Polymers" prize. It is named after Prof. Ivan Shopov and is awarded by the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria. The award was presented at a ceremony held on 1 March. Eric Dimitrov's research is dedicated to the development of novel nanostructured polymeric drug carriers. The polymer carriers are based on spherical nucleic acids of polymer-oligonucleotide conjugates, micellar carriers based on block copolymers, and modified niosomes for systemic delivery of biologically active substances. The results achieved are relevant for the [...]

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